
Visa and Mastercard accepted through PayPal
Ordering Information
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We Accept Money Orders, Visa and Mastercard through PayPal, and
personal Checks (Personal Check orders may take
up to 12 days. Order not processed until check clears)
Before ordering please read our FAQ
page on payments.
Most titles $10.00 each (prices vary)
Most Car Videos are $15.00 each (prices
Close-outs $5.00 each (prices may vary)
Our current postage rates:
Media Mail (book rate) $1.30 each
USPS Priority add $3.50 each
USPS First Class add $2.60 each
Insurance $1.10 (up to $50.00)
Delivery Confirmation $.60
Use our shopping cart feature, or Just send an E-mail
to place your order,
(our e-mail address is: obscure@optonline.net)
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