Welcome to the Richard Feynman Room.
This room is dedicated to Richard P. Feynman (1918-1988).
There has been a number of interesting Feynman Web pages, but the best one that everybody bookmarked, the Richard Feynman Online, has unfortunately became Richard Feynmann Offline, so we opened this room to express our admiration for Dr. Richard Feynman.
(p.s. Now Richard Feynman Online is on again! -- Oops, and gone again!)

Listen to a Feynman talk.
When Richard Feynman was born in 1918 no one could have known what greatness stood before
him. When he died in 1988 he left behind a legacy in the world of physics that is admired by both physists and non-physicists worldwide. Feynman was not only outstanding in
his field but he is an outstanding person overall. He is known for many things in the realm of physics over
his years, including winning the 1965 Nobel Prize in physics, not the least of which is his discovery linking O-ring expansion problems to the explosion of
the Challenger Space Shuttle in 1986. What follows are some links to sights in the Cyberworld about
Dr. Richard P. Feynman.
(Modified from Beth Whitlow.)