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Thank you for visiting The Golden Age of Aviation .I hope that you find this site useful.Enjoy your stay!
Aviation history is my hobby and I know that I will never be a full fleged aviation historian, but I thought that I would share my hobby with you.
If you love airplanes like I do, then you probably have been hanging around airports and going to airshows all of your life. I have vivid memories of hanging out at the local airport and attending air shows as a kid with my parents, and still attend as many airshows as I can as an adult. While at the airshows the Antique/Classic, War Birds and Racing Planes have always been my favorites. Like many who visit this page, I have an unspoken love and interest in aviation, and people associated with probably know what I am talking about. Therefore this site is dedicated to the Golden Age of Aviation and antique/Classic airplanes.
The Golden Age of Aviation was a time when airplanes had classic lines and character,regulations were few,pilots were popular heros,and is generally considered to be the 20-year period between the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II and was the pinnacle of Aviation excitement,and Aviation development for Civilian as well as Military Aircraft.This period is referred to as Golden because of the many tremendous advances in aviation technology that occurred, the many expeditions undertaken, and the numerous records set. The purpose of this site is to try and take you back to a simpler time in aviation history, when airports were accessible and you could perform odd jobs for a little flying time,to stir some interest in Aviation history, and to provide a little information about the love affair that millions of American men, women, and children had with the airplane during the Golden Age of Aviation, and hopefully to pay a small tribute to the many people whose achievements contributed so greatly to the advancement of aviation during the Golden Age of Aviation. I have barely scratched the surface on this subject, so I recommend that you go to your public library or obtain some books on this most exciting era of aviation and do not rely on the Internet as a complete knowledge source.
This Site is dedicated to my Parents.
I want to give a special thanks and tribute to my Mother and Father for their Love, good upbringing, and for instilling their love for aviation in me at a very early age. My Mother and Fathers love of Aviation, Country and family has been an inspiration to me all my life. My father is a walking history book and is very knowledgeable in all aspects of aviation, and can tell you the Name, Model and history of about any aircraft there is. When my father was 16 years old. He road his bike to the Des Moines Iowa airport and performed odd jobs, like washing and refueling aircraft in exchange for flying lessons, and received his pilots license two years before obtaining an automobile drivers license.
My Father and his J3 Cub in the 1940's
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This site designed and maintained by:D&C Aviation Limited. (Darrell & Mary(Chris) Graves,) Madison, Alabama.These pages were created with the antique/classic airplane and aviation history hobby in mind,and are ment entirely for informational purposes only. No copyright infringements are done intentionally.
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