Hello visitors of BSA.NET. Please do take the few minutes it will to sign our
Guest book. A lot of work and play, goes into making this site, and we'd like to know what you think of it.
The Head Brigadoon & The Arch Whino

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the Guest Book

Hench - 01/23/01 02:51:59
My Email: Yes, I use e-mail
BSA Name: For the last time, stop these infernal questions!
Favorite Species of Shark: Mako. They're tasty.
Favorite Type of French Fry: Waffle. (As if any other counted,
I'm frightened.

Krissy Otto, ass-kicker extraordinare - 02/28/00
My URL: n/a ok????
My Email: clubkitty21@hotmail.com
BSA Name: n/a
Favorite Species of Shark: dead
Favorite Type of French Fry: dead
I love mushrooms.

MaryAnn, the goddess of all things - 02/22/00
My URL: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/7234
My Email: madsy42@hotmail.com
BSA Name: can I be the goddess?
Favorite Species of Shark: hammerhead?
Favorite Type of French Fry: i prefer hashbrowns
hey there you kooky cats and kittens, glad to see the page is new
and improved. it's so nifty fied!

Senor Aardvark - 02/20/00 07:21:57
My Email: You're mom
BSA Name: Shut up bitch!
Favorite Species of Shark: Dr. Pantsasaurus
Favorite Type of French Fry: Waffle
This man has a bad heart, but we have the cure for it.
Turn up that music, my heart feels like an aligator, clarity we need
base, we must have base, you scruvy shyster jerk, watch your language
you're talking to a doctor of journalism.

Dr. Tarantula - 02/19/00 20:04:24
My Email: DocTarant@Spider.com
BSA Name: Shut up bitch!
Favorite Species of Shark: Naked
Favorite Type of French Fry: Naked.
I love naked. You are so naked. I wish I was
as naked as you, naked! Naked! Naked! Oh you are
naked! How can you be so naked? Naked! Naked!

dr. harvey - 06/27/99 19:11:15
My Email:slkjd BSA Name: gflkjs
Favorite Species of Shark: pants
Favorite Type of French Fry: snails
I am your mother!!

Pyro potato-e - 08/09/98 22:20:06
My URL:http:// huh???
My Email:Moondogggy@aol.com BSA Name: forgot.
Favorite Species of Shark: hammer head weasel
Favorite Type of French Fry: waffle
well, I still exist ... .... ..... wait. I just was vaporized. sorry for the
inconveinience. evol,

Crazy Creole - 07/28/98 05:30:53
My URL:http://apollolabs.home.ml.org
My Email:GPrudhom@fas.harvard.edu BSA Name: Crazy Creole
Favorite Species of Shark: Shrimp
Favorite Type of French Fry: Gumbo
Ooooeeee that some good Gumbo, I guarantee it... where did I put my Tabasco sauce...?

Princess - 07/13/98 06:03:01
My Email:Medea789@aol.com BSA Name: ehhhh . . .
Favorite Species of Shark: the ones that swim around
Favorite Type of French Fry: Wendy's, dipped in a milk shake
Hey boys. The egoccentric is here. Jonathan, I miss you. Come see me soon. Okay, I was bored and decided to sign the book. So, I'm going now. Do you guys ever check this thing? or chagne the page? just wondering.

MAMS - 03/28/98 03:56:07
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Mams1567/main.html
My Email:Mams1567aol.com BSA Name: if I told you I'd have to kill you
Favorite Species of Shark: I love the fishes cos they're so delicious
Favorite Type of French Fry: the ones at Cedar Point
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cool page

Bonnie Long - 03/10/98 03:50:30
My Email:luvkermy.@aol.com Favorite Species of Shark: great white
Favorite Type of French Fry: mc donalds
Hey Sexy Chickens!

Mistress Medea - 01/17/98 15:01:29
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Medea789/index.html
My Email:Medea789@aol.com BSA Name: shit, I forgot . . . Elk of Geans or something like that . . .
Favorite Species of Shark: Jaws?
Favorite Type of French Fry: Fried is good
Hey all! I'm glad you finally got this page changed, and Jon and I are on speaking terms again ;) Hey, I did not get that scolling marquee thing. Did is say, "Snails beat pants for ever on"?
Uhm, okay boys, it's time to lay off the cough syrup. Serio
sly, I'm worried about 'cha. Anyway, there is not much else to say, cept, visit my page again sometimes, its changed mucho much. And sign the book! Merci(you know what THAT means, dontcha Jon?) Well, a
bientot!!! ~ mads

ASABAT - 12/10/97 04:18:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~McClendon
My Email:mcclenda@bellsouth.net BSA Name: Asabat
Favorite Species of Shark: Hammer Head-ask my wife
Favorite Type of French Fry: raw
Great page people. I laughed, I cried, I balanced my checkbook and I made juilianne fries.

The Head Brigadoon - 12/07/97 23:32:00
My URL:http://Pants.com
My Email:HBrigadoon@AOL.com BSA Name: The Head Brigadoon
Favorite Species of Shark: The Megamouth Shark
Favorite Type of French Fry: Waffle Fry (at the Chick-a-Flite
I declare this wondrous BSA Guest book open to all you weirdoes!!

(That I can't reveal) - 12/07/97 22:51:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/lab/3919/
My Email:archwhino@aol.com BSA Name: The Arch Whino
Favorite Species of Shark: Tiger
Favorite Type of French Fry: Curly
I wrote the pages, I don't know why I have to comment...
