On these pages we have assembled the biographies of the most
famous and important people to ever grace the ranks of the BSA.
Ranging from founding-founding fathers to fathers emeritus, these
members have influenced the BSA so greatly that it would not be where
it is today if even one of these members had not joined.
BSA Members
The Head Brigadoon
Jub Jub The Computer Head
The Arch Whino
The Know-Nothinger
Pyro Potato"e"
Spie Supreme Ice Cream
Hemobloatkin the Algae Wizard
The Cremspleno Dingdino
Barton the Exaggerator

These pages contain the worst of the worst; those few who have
enraged the BSA enough to officially be dubbed enemies. These
vile scum continually torment the BSA and threaten the acceptance of
Bsavian Thought. If you see them on the street, kick 'em in the
BSA Enemies
Slimal the Unspeakable
Lorman of the Know-Nothing Party

Upset that your biography isn't here? Well, too bad.
You can do one of two things: 1) apply for membership and become
really active so that we are forced to write you a bio, or 2) visit
the Create Your Own BSA Bio to make your
own biography. That's right, you can now, through the wonders of
the BSA now exploiting technology, type in a few words, and make a
customized biography for yourself.