Things to do while in Lawrence

We thought we would let the experts tell you about the fun things to do in Lawrence, rather than try to guess in what you might be interested. The link below will take you to the Visitors section of the Lawrence Convention and Visitor's Bureau website. Happy exploring!

Visiting Lawrence

Monday Morning Brunch Event (new addition to the weekend's activities!)
On Monday morning, Memorial Day, we'll be gathering for brunch at the Clinton Parkway Hy-Vee between 9:00 and 11:00 am. They have an awesome breakfast buffet for $6.99. We thought it might be fun to gather with those who are interested the morning after to do some final visiting before everyone hits the road or heads for the airport. Feel free to come whenever you can, as we'll be hanging out.

Getting Around
Here is a map of the area, highlighting important areas and relevant locations. Please click on the blue markers or highlighted blue areas for more info on each.

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