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I've always heard that pictures say a thousand words, so I'll be including as many pictures in my site as possible. The first picture I suppose should be mine, I always like to see who I'm talking to as well.
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I spent 4 years of my life, from August 7, 1992 until August 7, 1996 in the United States Air Force. I got out of the service so I would be able to attend college full time. The fact that we went to Saudi Arabia an average of once a year also helped me to make that decision. For those of you who have never seen what it looks like over there... here is a sample:
Wanna seeMy BABY!?
I recently graduated from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Engineering.
I graduated with a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering on May 19, 2001. I have accepted a full-time position with Boeing Phantom Works in St. Louis, Missouri.
Click here to see my portfolio and resume.
I am also a proud father! My son, Jacob, was born on October 17, 1996. Everyone tells me that he looks like his Daddy. What do you think?
I wish I had the time and the money to go DIVING more often than I do. I learned to dive several years ago at Lynnhaven Dive Center located in Virginia Beach, VA. I love to dive whenever I get the chance.
I'm a big weather freak. I like to be my own weatherman because those yahoos on television can't ever seem to get it right! If I'm not watching anything, the television is usually stuck on the WeatherChannel. Check out the weather maps for both St. Louis, MO and my hometown of Blackstone, VA.
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