Dr. Jerzy Król-Bogomilski

Patents & Industrial projects & Articles & Communications

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Home sodium bicarbonate baking soda

nahco3, vitamin D patents, HCl and CaSO4 pat. application

Patents and Applications

  1. Method of manufacturing of technically pure hydrochloric acid (HCl) and other chemicals using waste from soda production, Patent App. P-280653, 19.07.1989, B. Borkowski, J. Król-Bogomilski.

    Calcium sulfate CaSO4 that has uses as white pigment or gypsum, and HCl aq. or gaseous, may be produced from conc. H2SO4 and solid CaCl2, Solvay process waste.

  2. Method of manufacturing of technically pure sodium bicarbonate, Polish Patent, 161858, 2.03.1993, Patent Appl. P-277815, B. Borkowski, J. Król - Bogomilski,

    Water saving technology of baking soda NaHCO3, best for cleaning, from brine NaCl, and crystalline ammonium bicarbonate NH4HCO3; no waste, contrary to Solvay process.

  3. Method of manufacturing of new analogues of 24-dehydro-1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol and 24-dehydro-1,25-dihydroxyergocalciferol, Polish Patent, 23.05.1993 (to Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry), Patent Appl. P-284259, M. Chodynski, A. Kutner, H. S. Salwa, T. Ryznar, J. Król-Bogomilski,

    Chemical organic synthesis of new potent antileukemic analogs of cholecalciferol (vitamin D).

Home sodium hydrogen carbonate carbonate bicarbonate of soda

sesquiterpenes from fungi

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Two new sesquiterpenoid lactones from Lactarius necator, W. M. Daniewski, M. Kocór, J. Król, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. Chim., 23, 637 (1975).

    Sesquiterpenes with the lactarane (as in lactarorufin A) and secolactarane skeleton in the molecules were isolated from the title mushroom and their structure elucidated.

  2. Lactarorufin N and revised structures of lactarorufines, W. M. Daniewski, M. Kocór and J. Król, Roczniki Chem.,50, 2095, (1976).

    Further metabolite of Lactarius necator, sesquiterpene with the lactarane skeleton in the molecules was isolated and its structure elucidated. The structures of previously investigated sesquiterpenes have been revised.

  3. Structure of 3-deoxylactarorufin A, W. M. Daniewski, M. Kocór and J. Król, Roczniki Chem., 51, 1395, (1977).

    Sesquiterpene with the lactarane skeleton in the molecules was isolated from the common mushroom Lactarius necator and its structure elucidated.

  4. Rearrangement of lactone ring of 3-deoxy-6,7-dihydro-8-epilactarorufin A, W. M. Daniewski, J. Król, Polish J. Chem., 55, 1247, (1981).

    An unusual reaction of the title sesquiterpene is described. Chemical correlations between sesquiterpenes from Lactarius; structures elucidation.

  5. Regioselectivity of furan oxidation induced by neighboring hydroxyl groups, W. M. Daniewski, W. Kroszczynski, J. Król, Polish J. Chem., 57, 483, (1983).

    A very unusual oxidation of the furan ring in sesquiterpene furandiol is described.

  6. On reactivity of methoxymethyl acetate towards alcohols and phenols, J. Król, G. Grynkiewicz, A. Kutner, Polish J. Chem., 65, 1433, (1991).

    Easy protection of alcohols and phenols.

    Other Journal Articles

    1. Waste calcium chloride as a source of economic possibilities, Ma.E. Bogdan Borkowski and Dr. Jerzy Król-Bogomilski, Chemik, 43 (7), 181, (1990).

      No waste, water saving technology (contrary to Solvay process) of production and applications of calcium chloride (from soda production), many uses of CaCl2.

    2. A modified process for the production of sodium bicarbonate and soda ash comprising the utilization of waste products, Ma.E. B. Borkowski, Dr. Jerzy Król-Bogomilski, Chemik, 45 (5), 121, (1992).

      Sodium hydrogen carbonate (best for cleaning) may be produced almost without waste using water saving industrial solution that starts from brine and crystalline NH4HCO3. Resulting NH4Cl yields with solid CaO or Ca(OH)2 solid calcium chloride CaCl2 that has many uses.

    Home bicarbonate de sodium NaHCO3

    protecting alcohol and phenol


    1. Further sesquiterpenoic metabolites of Lactarius rufus and Lactarius necator, W. M. Daniewski, M. Kocór and J. Król, VI-th Conference on Isoprenoids, Torun, 1975, Books of Abstracts, p.12.

      Sesquiterpenes isolated from common fungi Lactarius (they are also metabolites of Russula) have the lactarane skeleton in the molecules and are promising as antibiotics.

    2. Synthesis of biologically active analogues of vitamin D, A. Kutner, M. Chodyński, J. Krol, H. DeLuca, Meeting of the Polish Chemical Society, Gliwice 1989, Book of Abstracts, p. 111.

      Synthesis of derivatives of vitamin D3 with modified side chain.

    3. Modification of NaHCO3 and soda ash production, B. Borkowski, J. Król-Bogomilski, Meeting of the Polish Chemical Society, Szczecin 1990, Book of Abstracts, Section I - II, p. 33.

      NaHCO3 can be produced using water saving no waste technology from NaCl and solid NH4HCO3. NH4Cl with solid CaO or Ca(OH)2 gives solid CaCl2 that has various uses.

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    Industry opportunities

    Other Industrial Projects

    1. Synthesis of methotrexate, anticancer compound. Jerzy Król-Bogomilski, Warsaw 1987.

      This project was presented to the Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry.

    2. Purification of iphosphamide, anticancer compound by crystallization, Jerzy Król-Bogomilski, Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry, Warsaw 1989.

      The project is used in Polish pharmaceutical industry. Two-solvent purification by crystallization. A very simple solution.

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    Industry opportunities

    Chemistry teaching

    1. Looking for information on the Internet - Chemistry and the Internet at school (in Polish). Jerzy Król-Bogomilski, Chemia w Szkole, 4 (2001) and 1 (2002).

      Programs, discussing groups and search engines for chemistry teachers at school.

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