Waste calcium chloride as a source of economic possibilities,
Ma. E. Bogdan Borkowski and Dr. Jerzy Król-Bogomilski, Chemik, 43 (7), 181, (1990), (in Polish)
A modified process for the production of sodium bicarbonate and soda ash comprising the utilization of waste products,
Ma.E. Bogdan Borkowski, Dr. Jerzy Król-Bogomilski, Chemik, 45 (5), 121, (1992), (in Polish)
Here are some essential points of the above two publications:
Calcium chloride is a waste product from sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and soda ash (Na2CO3) domestic industry. Its main applications and uses are drying and dehydrating. The best way to melt ice is using CaCl2.
Manufacturing of the title compound according to this promise technology lets lower its price, save costs, energy and water, and substantially decrease the amount of wastewater.
It may be produced by heating of crystalline salmiac (sal ammoniac) NH4Cl with solid lime CaO to yield the solid calcium chloride and ammonia:
2NH4Cl + CaO → CaCl2 + 2NH3 + H2O
One may also produce it by heating of crystalline NH4Cl with Ca(OH)2, solid or suspended with a little amount of water. We obtain also the ammonia (NH3). The amount of wastewater substantially decreases, as the isolation of the solid calcium chloride is much easier than in the Solvay process:
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2NH3 + 2H2O
The final process, drying of the product at 200 oC takes not so much time, and consumes not so much energy, contrary to the Solvay method.
These processes are cheap to realize, and do not require any investment. The costs are lower, too.
The solid calcium chloride so obtained can be utilized into many useful products (which are described in the publication) to cover domestic demands as well as to be your export chance.
The processes have greater ecological value, compared to the Solvay method, are environment friendly. The title compound has many uses. It is here the useful product, and not the waste, which contaminates the environment. You make money and you save money.
Its uses are described in Chemik, 43 (7), 181, (1990), (in Polish).
See also the other page of this site (click to see the abstract): Method of manufacturing of technically pure hydrochloric acid and other chemicals using waste chemicals from soda ash production,
Patent App. P-280653. B. Borkowski, J. Król-Bogomilski. The "other chemicals" are CaSO4, which may be used as white pigment or gypsum CaSO4 and HCl (anhydrous hydrochloride or hydrochloric acid).
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