Jamie Oliver

10.0 Curriculum

Technology Portfolio Entries

10.1 List the Computer Skills Curriculum to identify what students should know and be able to do (within content and grade level).

List the appropriate Computer Skills Curriculum strands and indicators for your appropriate grade level and/or subject area

10.2 List/Use school television resources that support the content and grade level curriculum.

Develop an assessment tool to evaluate student learning via school television resources. This is a quiz I use after studying sections of the solar system with the laser disk program Windows on Science.

10.3 Access resources (as available) for planning instruction available via telecommunications (e.g., experts, lesson plans, authentic data, curriculum materials.

*** In reference to the lesson plans and the URLs listed , I worked on a team in Raleigh to compile this list and design lesson plans to post on the web to meet North Carolina   curriculum objectives.

Develop an annotated listing of URLs that correlate to your appropriate grade level curriculum and computer skills competencies
List of other resources for subject integration

10.4 Locate, evaluate, and select appropriate teaching/learning resources and curriculum materials for the content and grade level, including computer-based products, videotapes and discs, primary documents and artifacts, texts, reference books, literature and other print sources.

Create a curriculum design (unit or lesson plan) to correlate computer skills with other curricular objectives
Collect and organize available computer skills resources:

DPI Lesson Plans

Develop a selected computer softwarelistingfor an appropriate grade/subject area
Develop a selected print media listing (texts, reference books, literature) for your appropriate grade/subject area

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