Newsletters, brochures, flyers, pamphlets -- we offer quality publications at competitive prices.
Following are some examples of StarFire's desktop publishing work (low resolution PDF Files). Set your Acrobat Reader to "Continuous - Facing Pages" for the best view.
- Travel Brochures:
- Repine Vision Newsletters:
- Pamphlet for Astronomy Magazine's 2000 Sky Show in
Denver - trifold (432k)
- Pamphlet for Colorado Astronomy Day 2001 - trifold
- Newsletter for the Denver Astronomical Society
- General brochure for the Global Telescope
Network (GTN) (3.5MB)
- Posters for Computer Associates Conference
For more information, or to see a digital portfolio, please call (303) 948-5825 or email |

Galapagos 11X17 mailer

The October 2002
Denver Observer newsletter