An Australian WEBQUEST by Carmel Armstrong
Introduction | Task | Background Information
Process & Resources | Evaluation |Conclusion | Photo GalleryResearch Page | Teacher's Notes |Assessment|
The Year is 2010 and the United Nations have decided that the Antarctic Treaty needs to be re-signed. You are a representative of the Australian Delegation that has to persuade the U.N. Congress that Australia should keep her one-third share of Antarctica.
Your delegation will consist of a Marine Biologist, Historian, Scientist, Minister for Tourism, Sea Captain and Photographer. You will present your argument to the United Nations (the class) by means of a multimedia presentation supported by wall charts and photos.
Background Information
During the 1940's, nations began to quarrel over who should take control of Antarctica. To solve the problem, people in power began talking about a treaty to govern Antarctic. Scientists gained support for scientific programs on the icy continent. The Treaty of Antarctica was signed in 1959. Australia was one of the original signatories.
The main goal of Australia's Antarctic Program has always been to enhance Australia's interests in Antarctica. You have to show the United Nations that we have a strong history in Antarctica and have used our time there wisely. You need to show them that you will continue to use the continent's resources wisely for the benefit of mankind.
Process & Resources |Research Page| Teacher's Notes | Assessment |Top
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