Usage Fees

Reg # Year Type H.P. Equipment Wet Rate
N18151 1981 Beechcraft Skipper 115 Two-Place Touring Please Inquire
N1826D 1981 Beechcraft Skipper 115 Two-Place Touring Please Inquire
N6718Z 1980 Beechcraft Sundowner 180 Four-Place IFR Please Inquire
Monthly Dues $45

All aircraft are kept certified for IFR flight

Aircraft rates are based on engine running time, not the time the aircraft is kept, and include all fuel and oil used. Dues include pilot's liability and aircraft hull insurance. A $250 initiation fee and a returnable $250 security deposit are required when joining the club. There is a 5% discount for pre-payment of flying hours, and a stackable 5% discount for flying 5 or more hours in a month.