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9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. uh oh it looks like the cat ran out of luck and out of lives. It didn't land on its feet this time. Now its time to operate!

Day One  1-6-2000

    Today we picked out our cat. It is a white female cat with orange spots. We named her Gertrude.

Day Two 1-7-2000

    Today is our first day working with the cat. We took it out of its bag and drained of all of the preservatives it was packed in.  After the cat was out of the bag we decided to see if there truely is more than one way to skin a cat. Using the scissors we cut the skin on its back from its neck to its tail using the scissors. we then using our fingers, the blunt probe, and the scalple peeled the skin away from its body.

Day Three 1-11-2000

    Today we finished skinning Gertrude and the first pictures were taken. We were unable to remove the entire hide with the limbs included, and we left the tail attachec to the body, but the hide came off cleanly wtih few of the muscles being cut.

Day Four 1-12-2000

    Today was uneventfull. Our group was checked off for skinning the cat and then we continued to skin the parts such as the tail that were unnecesary to be checked off. There was however exitement when I picked up the cat without gloves on and placed it in its bag. The rest of my group was disgusted. I would like to go off on a little bit of a tangent here.  They are often disgusted with the things I do and say and I am often restricted from speaking. When I suggested that when we were done with the cat we put it in a blender and drink it. I then proceeded with the sound effects of a cat being put into a blender. For this I was restricted from speaking. For Meowing I was restricted from speaking. I was restricted from speaking numerous other times as well. This is not right! (Patriotic speech with patriotic music in the background) What about the first amendment! Our country was founded so that people like me could say what they please, and if that right is taken away from me we might as well take away the right to cheese and unhappiness and if we take that away what else is there to live for? I speak to you today to ask you to stop this crime against humanity and I also ask that you wroship me, not for my sake, but for a better tomaRow!! Thank you! :: Takes a bow ::

Day Five 1-13-2000

    Today we started to dissect the back muscles. Many of the muscles are easily located, but many are hidden underneath a layer of fat. Today I chose to work with only one glove and as always my group was disgusted by my actions. I however find touching the cat no worse than the sweat and residue that comes from wearing the latex gloves.

Day Six  1-14-2000

    Today we discerned the back muscles of our cat. We plan to show them to our excellent teacher Ms. Tooley when we are next in the lab, which will be next week. Other than that I have no news or rants. This weekend has been stressfull, and I am all out of rants for the moment.

Day Seven  1-19-2000

   Today we achieved very little. We continued to dissect the back muscles and we practiced presenting them in hopes that we will be able to present them tomaRow.

Day Eight 1-20-2000

   Today we dissected and presented the back muscles of the cat. Although we did have a rough start, we did present them for a perfect score after the first several tries. Today I was also declared to be the weirdest person that several people know. I am very proud of this, and I would like to thank these people for saying such a kind thing.

Day Nine 1-21-2000

   Today we both dissected and presented the rhomboidal muscles and recieved another perfect grade.  Also today I would like to thank Elaina (I hope I spelled that right) She has done a good portion of the dissecting.

Day Ten 1-25-2000

   Today the arm tomarrow the world! Today we did all of the arm muscles. They are beautifull. They are all predefined and it was pointed out that they look like chicken. Mmmm!! Cats taste just like chicken.

Day Eleven 1-26-2000

  Today the thigh muscles. I don't really like the thigh muscles. We dissected on the leg that is opposit the leg in the diagram so it is sometimes confusing. Anywho that is all untill tomarrow.

Day Twelve 1-27-2000

    We finished up the thigh and presented it today. Other than that we didn't do to much. Molly worked on our packets. Also i have decided to restrain my self from ranting in this journal as it is for a grade. Sorry to all of those who enjoy my rants. Maybe I will make a web page devoted to ranting?

Day Thirteen 1-28-2000

  Not much did we do today. We started off with packets and then did some more packets and finished off with packets. Sound like fun? Oh it so is! We arfe though ahead of everyone else (I think) so our slacking and doing nothing today is in my eyes permissable.

Day Fourteen 2-1-2000

  Today is the day of slacking. I call upon all of my slacker followers aross the nation to do nothing. (This is my way of saying we did pretty much nothing today)

Day Fifteen   2-2-2000

Don't feel like writting too much today so I will be short. WE did nothing again today, only this time we mixed in a little bit of the leg. Starting on the leg. The lower leg looks easy.

Day Sixteen 2-3-2000

Today we worked on the leg. Thats all.

Day Seventeen   2-4-2000

Today we worked outside. I presented the lower leg, which was incredibly easy, however we were not having enough time to present the upper leg. There was alot of anger felt because we were not going to be allowd to present it at a later date..

Day Eighteen   2-9-2000

Today we opened the little kitty up. We made Jeff disect today. He pulled out the intestines. We made cuts into the small intestines to view the villi. We then ripped out the whole shabang. Some were disturbed by what the large intestines held, but what can you expect. I made the obsservation that it could be squeezed out like a toothpaste tube. THis was not apreciated.

Day Nineteen   2-10-2000

We looked at all of the organs today and finished taking everything out. Poor Gertrude is hollow now.

Day Twenty    2-11-2000

Today we presented to Mrs. Tooly. We also got to drain the cat of its juices. Fun Fun fun!!

Day Twenty-One 2-16-2000

Today we sliced open the stoumach. My companions in dissection swear that it contained a whole cockroach, but I believe it to be only a leaf or something, but even if it is a cockroach, a cat has to eat doesn't it?

Day Twenty-Two 2-17-2000

Today i took out the heart and lungs. I do believe that they look like a little baby alien, I am, however, not allowd to carry it around and make it jump at people. I am always being restricted. (See earlier rants)

Day Twenty-Three         2-18-2000

Not much Today. Looking at the heart and lungs. One of the lobes of its lungs is on the wrong side, and the heart was turned sideways. This cat has strange organs for all of its good muscles.

Day Twenty-Four         2-23-2000

Not much today, waiting to present the heart, however we did not have enough time to.

Day Twenty-Five         2-24-2000

Today we worked with the urinary tract and all that such. We accidentally cut the ovaries out. Ooops! Oh well, the cat had no more use of them anyway it was already dead.

Day Twenty-Six           2-25-2000

We presented the uranary system and reproductive system today. Thats all. We are almost done with poor Kitty.

Day Twenty-Seven        2-30-2000

We Finally presented the heart today. We worked outside by the garden. We decided not to reconstruct the cat so we gave it to another group to do so. I guess that this ends the journal so I would just like to say one thing! Farfignueton! uh ummm I mean BUBYE!!!!!

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