Jade.. your run-of-the-mill chica with an intriguing fondness for:
- optimism
- Friday nights
- sushi
- truffles
- brass poles
- monkeys
- white roses
- dragons
- Photoshop
- black hair
- old Twilight Zone episodes
My mom woke me up early in the morning one day on a trip to Wisconsin. She knows I hate getting up early. "It's 5am,"
she said happily. "Oh," I said (still with the covers pulled over my head) "It's a good time to get up then."
"Wow," she answered back whilest brushing her red-brown hair (my natural color) in front of the mirror.
"You're sure are an optimistic person." Then we both laughed. After that I always considered myself and optimistic person.
My mom says I am.

Outside of what my own mother thinks, I consider myself a mediocre, black-haired dancing vixen
with a fancy for strawberries, Starbuck's, six-inch heels and a country full of llamas. When someone asks me what my
hobbies and interests are, I usually just stare at them blankly. When someone asks me why the heck I'm not in college
and what I aspire to be in life, I have to stare at them blankly again.
So someone who's reading this webpage now can conclude that I'm a lazy chick out in
Northern California somewhere who finds time to trek across Peru, zone out at Starbuck's, and
maintain a gracefull balance in shoes that they themself couldn't even stand up in. I think I can do all these
things because I'm an optimistic person.
+ look at my photo album +

I have few friends, but all are special to me. My best friend in dee whole world is dee luvly Lila.