Hot Links for flight and models lovers
Links in Italia
Links in USA and in the World
- Pampa
- akamodell
- mvp
- RCcity
- Astro-Wings Radio
Control Aircraft Club - club information, schedule of events, and information
on getting started in R/C aircraft.
- British Electric
Flight Association (BEFA)
- Cyprus
Aeromodelling Club
- Electric
Model Flyers - Southern Ontario
- Endless Mountains
R/C Flying Club - news and information about our club and the hobby
of building and flying remote controlled aircraft
- Federação Portuguesa de
Aeromodelismo - Portuguese federation of aeromodelling.
- Flying Gators Model
Aircraft Club
- Genoa
RC Fliers
- International Miniature Aircraft
Association - formed for the purpose of fostering and advancing the
operation of large scale radio controlled model aircraft
- International Plastic
Modelers Society/USA
- Ivel
Model Aircraft Club UK
- Kitchener/Waterloo Flying Dutchmen
Remote Control Aircraft Club - info about club news and events as well
as information on our Scale Rally, one of the largest in North America.
Also includes links to other R/C sites.
- L.I.F.T.S.
- a model aircraft flying club. Meetings are held at the Republic Airport
in Suffolk County.
- Lincoln Area Soaring
Society (LASS) - Our club is dedicated to having fun (and the sport
of r/c soaring). We fly hand launch, slope and thermal sailplanes.
- Manned Spacecraft
Center RC Club, Houston, TX
- Miniature Aircraft Society
of Haywood
- Mississauga
Model Flying Club Inc
- Model Aeronautical
Association of Australia (MAAA)
- Model Aeronautics Association of Canada
- North Alabama Silent Flyers (NASF)
- RC soaring club.
- Oakville Model Flying Club
- regional/national pattern competitions, IMAC and scale rallies, student
- Ornithopter
Modelers' Society
- Popular Rotorcraft Association (PRA)
- Redwood
Empire Modelers Association (REMA)
- Rochester AeroModeling Society
- over 130 members and two flying fields - one of which we own.
- Roxbury Area Model Airplane
Club - Northwest NJ / NE Penn. R/C Club
- Southern California Aero Team
- information on international free flight competitions.
- Suburban Aeroclub of
- Västernorrlands Läns Modellflygförbund
VLM - (in Swedish).
- Walla Walla Valley Prop Twisters
- Watford Model
Flying Club - Looking for members.
- Wayfarers - Model
Flying Club - looking for its former members; they originally lived
in and about Watford, Hertfordshire, north-west of London, England.
- Wing and Rotor
- Flying model club of Western New York.
Volo Vincolato
