Aircraft Picture gallery
I personally believe that pictures are good to be seen only if their quality
is high, I don't like computer images which are too big, especially if I see
those on the web, because my internet connection is at 28Kbps, and it takes
to much time to load an image which is 1024x768 big, for example. So, that's
why I decided to resample all my picture gallery images to 450 pixel width,
you save time loading those, and I save space on my Geocities server disk.
I have to say that 2MB are a little bit low as disk space, but I hope that
Geocities could give us some more disk space.
Everyone is welcome to
send me by email attachment, aircraft pictures. I would like to
keep this gallery as special as possible, I don't want to put on simple pictures,
I want always something special, weird, cool !
Click on thumbnail to see the whole image. If you have a slow internet connection,
to save time just click on the STOP button of your browser and then click on
one of the following links.
Military plane landing
Western Airlines DC-10 final approach
Canada Snowbirds taxiing
Formation flying
Huge B747 buzzing the shore
American Airlines MD-80 with some problems
The following pictures were taken by me !!
Picture of the month

Beautiful King Air at Daytona Beach Int'l airport, general aviation ramp
Final approach at Daytona Int'l runway 25L with a little C-152
Beautiful cloudy sky at Gainsville, Florida. Cloud tops at about 2,500'
Great picture ! Airplane departing at dawn
Cessna 172 turning to final, I was the pilot
That's all I got for now. Remember I want to put on the gallery only a certain
type of pics, so what you saw where special pictures for me.
A big special thanks goes to my friend Paolo Grimaldo, who was extremely kind
to make me scan all my pictures. Thanks.