Pietro Pavan's Home Page
Selected language: English
Hi folks, I'm glad you selected the English language. Everyone is welcome to
see my homepage. You can select a variety of subjects, starting from aviation,
ending with xfiles. Aviation area mustn't be missed by pilots, but it is very
interesting even if don't know so much about it. Formula one area, is
still under construction because my friend Paolo still has his scanner on
maitenance. As soon as I can scan some good pictures I will update my page.
Videogames is an area to speak about tricks and tips, and other stuff related to
videogames, and it is still under construction.
You can select between these following subjects:
[Formula One]

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Special greetings
A special greeting goes to my international friends:
Stefano Stagnaro, my first flight instructor, without him right now I
would be nothing. . .
Alexandre Dalla Torre, from Brazil, I want to tell him that in a little
while I will get there to Brazil, and I will go to see him !
Jani Siitonen, special thanks to my second flight intructor who took
care of me -:), and made me land a C-152 (short field) like over a carrier !
Roberto Carfagna and Nino (his instructor), thanks to host me on board
of the C-172 more than once, and thanks for your good lunches and dinners !
Alessandro Fiorentini and Gianluca Carpino, good luck guys for your
flight carrer, and thank you for everything !
David Pizzi, I did not forget you !
Andrea Angelozzi, Alfredo Di Giovanni, and Gianluca, special thanks to
Andrea which gave me a lot of rides with his Citation !
Manos Katsobenakis, special thanks for helping me to sell my old car
(without success) !
Christopher Wilson, best ground school instructor I've ever had !
And special thanks for flying with me on the stage check with moderate turbulence
right after lunch !
David Peck, second best ground school instructor I've ever had !
Special thanks for let the class visit Daytona's Control Tower !
Roberto Besciu, special thanks to let me fly with him !
Dario Rubini, I did not forget you !!
I hope I didn't forget anybody ! If you guys see your name on this page, your're
kindly requested to email me ASAP, thanks, I would really apreciate it !!