Here are a few stories and incidents "remembered" from our '59 yearbook.
- 26 Men was a popular TV western from 1957 through 1959 (which in its run featured Leonard Nemoy and DeForest Kelly -- prior to Star Trek). The theme song seemed to fit our group (which also consisted of 26 men). Bob Chesley, the electronics instructor on our faculty, composed the parody, eloquently presented to the group one evening near the end of the program by Ron Florence.
THATCHER SONG Sung to the tune of the theme song for 26 Men
This is the story of 26 men
Who roamed the Ojai territory.
They learned by day and worked by night
To achieve a minor sort of glory.
This is the tribute to 6 fine men
Who helped to boost us through our purgatory.
O, long will we cherish our days spent here,
For we are the men of Thatcher Memorari.
Any contributions? Mail me at: hansonj@usa.net
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