Welcome to the Veterinary Technology Homepage

By Rodrigo Riba De Ave

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  • What is NAVTA

  • What is a Veterinary Technician?

  • Veterinary Technician's Oath

  • Links to other sites

  • Send suggestions!


    NAVTA stands for North American Veterinary Technician Association. This association promotes and defends the Veterinary Technician profession using several different methods. The National Veterinary Technician Week was created to inform the large public about the importance of these very important members of the Veterinary Team. If you would like more information do not hesitate to contact the Association.

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    What is a Veterinary Technician?

    The Veterinary Technician is able to provide professional medical care to your pet. Many procedures may be executed by a Vet. Tech. and therefore the Veterinarian is able to concentrate on other procedures that require his expertise. A Vet. Tech studies for 2,3 or 4 years depending on the degree (Associate or Bachelor) and school. However the subjects covered are basically the same. These include: anatomy, physiology, biology, pathology, microbiology, clinical methods, etc... After graduating, the Veterinary Technician takes a National Exam to get his/her license. And then he/her is ready to work with the veterinarian to provide the best possible care to your pet. Many task are responsability of a Vet.Tech.and from the moment a client walks in the Vet.Tech.takes most of the information and does most of the client education. also many procedures like X-rays, injections, anesthesia, physical exams, and others are performed by the Vet.Tech

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    Veterinary Technician Oath

    I solemnly dedicate myself

    to aiding animals ams society

    by providing excellent care

    and services for animals,

    by alleviating animal suffering,

    and by promoting public health.

    I accept my obligations to practice

    my profession conscientiously

    and with sensitivity, adhering to

    the profession's Code of Ethics,

    and furthering my knowledge

    and competence through a

    commitement to lifelong learning.

    @1987 NAVTA Veterinary Technician Oath

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    Links to other interesting sites

    Mount Ida College - Veterinary Technology Departement

    NetVet - Veterinary Information and Electronic Zoo

    Last update to this page was on February 6th 1997

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