The definitive source of information on the whole internet about Hoppy

Why did you come here? Given that almost anyone in the world could get to this page, there is an extremely good chance that I neither know you or ever will. The point being, what do you hope to gain in life by reading about some bloke you are almost certainly never going to know?
If you have changed your mind, and realize that you didn't actually want to find out about Hoppy after all, then that's OK, go back to the index thing, there's plenty of interesting gubbins there.
For those still here... Hello. It's nice to know you.
Hoppy is currently 29, although this changes about once a year. He started by studying for a MEng in Electronic Engineering at Imperial College in London, a course which it is rumoured that he enjoyed considerably as well as doing very well! Then he worked as an Electronic Engineer for 5 years, designing UHF radio transmitters, receivers and embedded controllers to program the PLLs and DDSs. Upon finding the real world outside university to be somewhat unrigorous, he decided to return to university where he is studying for a PhD in the field of microwave patch antennas at Surrey University in Guildford.
Some of his hobbies include gliding at the college gliding club, skiing (which he would do more if he didn't spend so much money on gliding...), paragliding, astronomy (which he doesn't do in London, given that you can never see more than 4 stars at any given time there), and electronics, where he likes building radios and computer bits. It is a well known fact that Hoppy also likes a good quality bonfire, especially at 2 am in the morning after a night out, followed by an extended star gazing session. As it happens, he does quite enjoy just disappearing off on his bike into the country, lighting a fire (for warmth you'll understand) then just lying back and watching the stars and satellites. Secretly, he wishes he was actually in space... In due course he probably will be too.

Hoppy has an obsession with flying things, including (but not limited to): Hot air balloons (from pocket sized to very large), rockets, gliders, planes (from model to very large), kites, paragliders, space ships and so on. In fact the only non ground based things he doesn't have any interest in is footballs and flying rats (pigeons). He reckons that you get a much nicer view from 2000 feet up, and a better one still from 100 miles, although the second one is currently merely speculation. Unfortunately. The current altitude record (excluding 737) is a shade over 4000m, in Spain August 2005. The view was indeed good, and would have been even better had it not been dubiously close to a large cloud.
Oh, and Hoppy's real name is in fact Richard Hopkins, and he lives in Guildford, Surrey.

If you want to Email him, either because you think he's a great guy, and you think he needs to know about you, or because you just want to tell him that he's bonkers, then email him: hoopy_hoppyatyahoocouk.

Hoppy has the amazing ability to tweet like a bird. Whether or not this ability is amazing is frequently the source of hours of heated debate. If you think it's a great ability, then please email me, I need all the evidence I can get... Get some lovely birdsong here...

Here is a picture of him, which is still the same one taken by Emma Yates donkey's years ago, and perhaps it would be an especially good idea to find a new one since he is now 70% older, and looks even more freaky.

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