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I was born in February of 1982. I live and was born in RICHMOND, VA. I have three dogs, who were all adopted from a local humane society. Some of the coolest things I have ever done include power diving in a plane to -1 G's (we floated around!), going up the EIFFEL TOWER, and Parasailing. My hobbies include electronics, sailing, and jet skiing. I enjoy programming in both MS Access and MS Visual Basic. For more depth, go to My Theory on Life page. I just got a new scanner, so as soon as I get my film developed, there will be some pictures of myself and my friends!!
Don't forget to E-Mail Me if there is a problem with any of my pages. Just so you know, I'm planing some renovations this summer. Among these are my "Why Virginia Sux" page. Those of you that are blessed with the curse of living here, E-Mail Me wiht any suggestions for that page. Now for the big announcement:
is Comming Soon!
For those of you who don't already know, one of my biggest hobbies is magic. That's why, within two years, I am producing a magic show. Now don't get me wrong... I mean the big stuff in this show. Saws, Lights, Lasers, Fog, Fire. The cool stuff. Also, if you would like to E-Mail Me your favorite illusions or ideas for illusions, I'll see if I like them enough to put them in my show. Another thing... Those of you that go to Collegiate or don't mind commuting every day for a month or so, I have some positions I need filled. I need two spot-light operators. You will be trained for this job. I also need a female assistant. So, once again the link: E-Mail Me if you're interested. Advertising is also available in our brochure, contact me (Ha! No link!) if you would like to buy advertisement space. (Or just to DONATE money!) We will be becoming a non-profit organization, so donations will be tax-deductable, I think.
Yet another page created by:
know, I'm very proud of this graphic. I made it myself form SCRATCH!
I used Altimira Composer, which, in my opinion, is one of the best
2-D modeling packages available. Yes, I typed 2-D. I personally
made this graphic look 3-D using my incredible computer skills. Did I mention
I also designed the graphics on the rest of the page? I can do graphics and web pages
for you if you like, just Get in touch
with me (see, a new link) and we'll discuss prices, which is usually just recognition and a link.
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