My Intro Graphic

I'm working on a quotes page. There will be hundreds of quotes on all subjects. Look for it in the next few weeks!!

Should you use settings lower than 800 x 600 resolution; 16 bit color, click here.

Who is Lee D.? | Mail Lee | Lee's Calendar

My Theory on Life | My Humor Page

My Dad's House | My Mom's House

The Rest of the Page

Audio Archive



GeoCities Home


Well, lots of people have been complaining they can't view my guestbook without signing it. My innitial response was TOUGH LUCK, I need people to sign it. But, for those of you who are too lazy, you can go ahead and click here.

My chat room, called the Pier, is linked to by several of my friends. I don't spend much time here, but it's a fun place to meet your friends if you don't have other chat programs. So have fun! If you'd like to meet me here, write me and tell me when. If I don't respond within, say, 24 hours, I'm away from home. If you want to increase the number of people that show up here, link to