To tell the truth, I only use my TI-82 in school or for low res games. Take a look at the TI-92 for a cool calculator. The TI-82 is more economical, more accepted by teachers, the TI-92 is not permited on major tests and in many classrooms. The TI-82 is easier to use than the 85s and 86s, but a TI-83 is slightly better. This calculator I only have to use in class durring tests. This calculator can do many things, compared to lower calculators. This can use BASIC-type programing or, with other software, more advanced languages.
Tip: To solve equations on this calculator use "solve(" (math menu,0) amd enter the first side of the equation minus the second side.

ie. for 7^x=2(3-x) Input solve(7^x-(2(3-x)),x,1

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