uIP for the TRS-80 Model3

uIP is a free small TCP/IP implementation for 8- and 16- bit microntrollers and suitable for the TRS-80 class of computers. This page deals specifically with the port of uIP to the TRS-80 model 3. For general information about uIP, see http://www.dunkels.com/adam/uip/

The intent was to port the stock uIP implementation with as few changes as possible even though there are some logical changes that could be made for the TRS-80, such as serving files from the native file system rather than from compiled in tables. Features not enabled in the uIP for the model 3 source package, such as ARP and large buffers (>255), have not been tested.

Getting uIP for the TRS-80 Model3

There are two source packages available - one for compiling with SDCCavailable here and one for compiling with MC available here. Also included in the tarballs are the precompiled executables so you can give uIP a try without the hassle of actually building it.

The SDCC version includes both a TRSDOS 1.3 executable (UIPT.CMD) and an LDOS 5.3.1 executable (UIPL.CMD). The MC version currently supports LDOS only (UIP.CMD). See detailed information below regarding the two versions.

Running uIP for the TRS-80 Model3

uIP requires 48k and the RS232 interface and will run on a real model 3 as well as a model 3 emulator which includes emulation of the serial port such as xtrs. Just transfer the appropriate executable to a floppy or import into the emulator and execute it. Hit any key to exit the program and return to DOS. Click here for a few screenshots.

The network interface is provided by SLIP over the serial port so you need another computer to host the other end of the SLIP interface. I don't know if Windows can provide SLIP. Under linux, use 'slattach' to create the interface and 'ifconfig' to configure it (you need SLIP support in the kernel):

slattach -s 9600 -p slip -L /dev/ttyS1 &
ifconfig sl0 pointopoint up

The model 3 side of the interface ignores the hardware flow control signals so only three signals need connected on the serial port (RX/TX/GND). However, the documentation for slattach on linux is very misleading; the man page says the -L flag selects 3-wire mode suggesting it too ignores the hardware flow control signals but this is not the case. -L only disables modem carrier detect so either the hardware flow control signals must be connected or slattach can be patched to disable flow control. A patch for net-tools 1.60 which adds a -X option to disable hardware flow control is available here. If uIP is run in the xtrs emulator on a host with two serial ports then the same host can also provide the SLIP interface by cabling between the two ports.

The IP address is compiled into uIP and is Similarly, the baud rate is compiled in and is 9600 (8 bit, no parity). To change these, the source must be modified and recompiled.

uIP includes both an http (web) server and ICMP echo (ping) server so once everyting is up and running you should be able to ping the model 3 (ping and view the web pages (url in a web browser).

To make the model 3 accessible from other than just the slip host, some form of forwarding or masquerading or routing can be used. For example, if I recompile uIP with an IP address of (which is a valid IP on my home network), then I can just enable ip forwarding and proxy arp on my slip host and the model 3 appears on the entire network.

annie:/home/matt# ifconfig sl0 pointopoint up
annie:/home/matt# arp -Ds eth0 pub
annie:/home/matt# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Then, from another machine on the network:

matt@duffy:~$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=62 time=201.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=208.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=208.1 ms

Building uIP for the TRS-80 Model 3 with MC

MC (Misosys C) is a once commercial K&R C compiler which runs natively on the TRS-80. However, the uIP for the model 3 is too large to compile natively on the model 3 itself so it must be cross compiled on a model 4. In addition to MC itself, you need an assembler; MC is designed to work with MRAS (Misosys Relocatable ASsembler). For more information on these and other Misosys products see Tim Mann's website.

The source tarball contains all the souce files individually plus an emulator disk image (uipdisk.jv3) which contains the same files and is ready for use with a model 4 emulator.

The model 4 tools are not standardly configured to cross compile for the model 3 so you need to install the model 4 tools but with the model 3 libraries - the soure tarball includes an emulator disk image (mcmras3.jv3) which is this combination of of tools and libraries. If working in an emulator, you'll want the import/export utilities to get files from/to the host environment.

In my setup, LDOS is in drive 0, uipdisk in drive 1, mcmras3 in drive 2, and a utilitiy disk (containing import/export) in drive 3. To build the entire project type 'do make (@all,d=#)' where # is the drive number where the uipdisk is mounted (the default is drive 1 so the 'd=#' parameter is only needed if the uip disk is not mounted on drive 1). You can enable optimization by including the 'o' parameter ('do make (@all,d=#,o)') but this will produce a warning about the 'uip' function is too large to optimize - the compile will pause at this point and require a keypress to continue (the UIP.CMD included in the tarball is compiled with optimization.

Once the executable is built, it can be transferred to a model 3 for execution.

Building uIP for the TRS-80 Model 3 with SDCC

SDCC (Small Device C Compiler) is a freeware ANSI C compiler which supports among others the Z80 CPU. However, the code generator for the Z80 is really buggy. I managed to get uIP to actually work but only after tracking numerous compiler problems and working around them. For information about SDCC, see http://sdcc.sourceforge.net/.

After installing SDCC, the c startup code (crt0.o) and the printf library (printf.o) should be replaced with those from the sdcc/ directory in the source tarball. In debian linux, these files are under /usr/share/sdcc/lib/z80/. Alternatively, you can modify the link command in the makefile to just use these in sdcc/.

In addition to SDCC, you need a utility to convert from Intel hex format to the TRS-80 CMD file format. Such a utility is included with the xtrs package, or you can get one here.

The only differences between the TRSDOS and LDOS versions are in the RS232 interrupt service routine. The interrupts of the model3 are somewhat broken in the ROM; TRSDOS uses the ROM interrupt handler and requires a hack in the rs232.c file to compensate for this, LDOS itself includes this hack so it isn't needed but in doing so changes some addresses. Be sure to select the appropriate DOS in the rs232.c file.

Once everyting is installed and configured, just cd to the trs80-3/ directory and type 'make'.

Remember, SDCC is really buggy - expect problems if you make any changes.

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