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(SEMMES, AL) - The Ira C. Eaker Association, (ICEA) dedicated to producing excellence in Cadet Programs, has announced that they will be offering scholarships in time for the 1998 National Special Activities Season.

In 1997, The ICEA offered tHRee scholarships to send cadets with both need and ability to National Special Activities. For 1998, the priorities have been changed to get the funds out to newer cadets, just starting in the program. Scholarships will be awarded in the following precedence:

  • 1st - Cadets with ability and financial need, requesting funds to defray the cost of joining CAP or purchasing basic uniform items.
  • 2nd - Cadets with ability and financial need, requesting funds to defray the cost of attending a first encampment.
  • 3rd - Cadets with ability and financial need, requesting funds to defray the cost of attending a first national special activity.
  • 4th - Cadets with ability and financial need, requesting funds to defray other CAP costs.


Cadets who qualify for the scholarship should write a cover letter, explaining the need, amount desired, Name, Grade, and Contact information. CAP resume and photograph are optional.

The Cadet should also prepare a blank form for the unit commander, including name, CAP Grade, contact information, and a signature line. After getting the Squadron Commander to sign, the Cadet will mail the application in. Scholarship applications are due by 1 April, 1998, and should be mailed to the ICEA Scholarship chair, C/Col Matthew R. "HoyZa" Heusser, at:

ICEA Scholarships (ATTN: C/Col Heusser)
2647 Starboard Ct., APT#4
Kentwood, MI 49512

Scholarships will be voted on and awarded by April 30th, 1998. The checks will be made out to the Squadron Commander - it will be the Squadron Commander's responsibility to transfer the funds to the Cadet, to reimburse expenses.
For more information, contact C/Col Heusser at - (616)-827-0358 or e-mail:


Donations will be accepted until April 25th, 1998. Checks should be made out to "The Ira C. Eaker Association", and mailed to the ICEA Adjutant, Lt Col Stephen R. Howard, CAP:

The Ira C. Eaker Association
ATTN: Lt Col Stephen R. Howard, CAP
P.O. Box 634
Semmes, AL 36575

Sadly, the ICEA is not covered under CAP's "Tax-Exempt Umbrella", and thus donations are not tax exempt. However, the Association is 100% accountable with all funds received, and will e-mail or mail a list of donations and allotments on request. For more information, you can contact Lt Col Howard by mail, or phone, at (334)-645-2358, or e-mail

The Ira C. Eaker Association is an organization of Cadet Programs leaders, dedicated to promoting Cadet Programs, Leadership Opportunities, Fellowship, and a promoting a positive message that supports the New Air Force Core Values.

Content is from an e-mail message from C/COL Matthew Heusser to the CAP-Cadet mail list

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