Welcome to the Iowa Wing Cadet Advisory Council Guestbook! See what people have to say about our site! Don't forget to sign our guestbook yourself.

C/CMSgt. Casey Schroeder - 11/22/00 00:15:20
My Email:airforce1701@yahoo.com
City, State: Iowa
How did you find us?: CAC Primary

It is a nice site but the site needs to be updated immediately. Lets try to get the new reps and minutes. thank you

c/Col Tin Nguyen - 09/28/99 21:23:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~mawgcac/mawgcac.htm
My Email:nagoo@bu.edu
City, State: Mass
How did you find us?: links
Are you interested in becoming a member?: been one for 7 years

Great page!

Ted W.Snyder,C/Cpt (Ret.) - 03/17/99 05:23:35
My URL:http://geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/7690
My Email:Emtx1@mailcity.com
Street Address: Odeon Court
City, State: Baltimore.Maryland
How did you find us?: Webferrett
Are you interested in becoming a member?: Already am one thanks!

Great Site you have there!

1LT Hector Melendez - 09/12/98 04:57:41
My Email:himel@prtc.net
City, State: Las Piedras, PR
Phone Number: 733 4062


Jon Fox - 06/21/98 20:53:44
My URL:http://www.cawgcadets.org
My Email:JFox15@aol.com
Street Address: 37946 Lasker Ave
City, State: Palmdale, CA
How did you find us?: Surfed in
Are you interested in becoming a member?: I am a Member (for a long 8 years)

very nice web page. Make sure you visit the California Wing CAC Web Page at www.cawgcadets.org.

LTC Palmquist - 03/18/98 16:20:24
My Email:palmquists@waverly-shellrock.k12.ia.us
Street Address: 108 5th St. N.E.
City, State: Waverly, Iowa 50677
Phone Number: 319-352-2068
How did you find us?: Webcrawler

Thanks for getting such a classy website up. Cadet programs in Iowa Wing are becoming stronger!

C/LtC Todd Osterloh - 03/12/98 23:47:00
My URL:http://members.aol.com/cap15058/kycap.html
My Email:CAP15058@aol.com
Street Address: 970 Milner Rd.
City, State: Versailles, KY
How did you find us?: search engine
Are you interested in becoming a member?: I am a member

Very nice web site!

C/LTC Julie Oldham - 12/23/97 18:12:48
City, State: Liberty, MO
How did you find us?: Web Search

Great page! Make sure to check out MO Wing's!

Adam Carroll - 12/16/97 21:59:23
My Email:redrum_cap@hotmail.com
Street Address: 472 High St. S.
City, State: Monmouth, OR
Phone Number: 503-838-0827
How did you find us?: Surfed In

Why do you have pictures of SU-27's on your web page

Harold Kelderman - 11/30/97 01:43:04
My Email:hkelder@se-iowa.net
Street Address: 609 Second Avenue East
City, State: Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577
Phone Number: 515-673-5360
How did you find us?: Web Crawler
Are you interested in becoming a member?: I am a member?

We have an introductory public meeting December 3rd at the Oskaloosa Airport. You are welcome just fly in!! Harold!

cheryl nelson - 10/15/97 23:47:00
My Email:cpnels@aol.com
City, State: cedar falls, ia
Phone Number: 319-266-7197
How did you find us?: searching

ex-cadet to become senior. very nice CAC home page, nicer than seniors. good job.

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