KT4JK & Sumter Amateur Radio Association, Inc.
Amateur or Ham Radio
This page last updated: Thursday, March 04, 1999 - 6:21:42 PM

These two terms are synonymous. They refer to a hobby where individuals use a personal radio station to communicate with other hobbyist. These folks are called amateur radio or ham radio operators or just plain hams.
I was first licensed in 1993 as KD6TAX while I was stationed in California. My Dad, WA4IZB and brother-in-law KD4IIE provided the encouragement. I entered the hobby with a no-code technician license but after several Elmers and lots of study, I upgraded. In Feb 94 I passed the General and currently hold an Advanced ticket.
There are several folks that helped me along the way. Kent LeBarts KK6IU brought an antenna over to the house the day I brought home my first HF rig. We put it up; an all band dipole fed with twin lead just laying on the roof. When he left, I couldn't find the microphone. He had hid it so I would get on the air with CW. I did and thank him everyday for doing that. He also got me into contesting. I enjoy the fast furious pace of the contest and participate in every one I can. Not actually to win but to improve my operating techniques. My station just doesn't qualify as a contest station.

Kenwood TS940S/AT HF Transceiver - I finally got one. I have wanted one of these every since I operated one. This is the best HF rig I have ever used. I like it better than most of the newere generation rigs you can buy today. I guess I'm stuck on Kenwood!
- Kenwood TS450S/AT HF Transceiver
- This is the first HF radio I owned and still do. It took me several hours at the 1993 Pacific Division Convention (PACIFICON) to decide what I wanted in an HF rig and this was one decision I have never regretted. It's a great rig that works great mobile too.
- Ameritron
AL-811 - This is a sweet little amplifier!
- Timewave DSP-59+ - Another nice piece of equipment, indispensable.
- G5RV installed as an inverted v at 35ft
- Alpha Delta DX-B Sloper for 160M
- HyGain
TH4 (28 years old) at 40' with YAESU G-800S rotator
Versa Tuner V Model MFJ-989C
- MFJ Versa Tuner II Model MFJ-941E
- Bencher - Iambic Paddles
- Idiom Press Super Keyer - My first project that turned out pretty good.
- MC-60A desk mike mounted on a lamp arm - makes a nice boom.
- Heil Pro Headset - a must for contesting
- Yaesu
FT-5200 2M&70cm mobile
- Diamond NR-770HNMO 2M&70cm mobile antenna
- Kenwood TM-241A VHF Mobile Rig mounted in shack
- Alinco
DJ-580 Dual Band Handheld
- Kantronics
KPC3 Terminal Node Controller
- IBM-PC 100MHZ Pentium
- HP Deskjet 820Cse Printer
I finally got my tower up. This tower and beam are over 30 years old. My Dad had it up in Somerville Tennessee during the early 60s. I checked with Telex and they said the beam was sold about that time frame for $117. I ordered all the spare parts I could and rebuilt the beam. It worked great the first time I tried it. |
| Another shot of the beam from a little different angle |

I use my computer extensively for logging contacts, QSL tracking, contesting, packet, etc. Today a personal computer is a very vital piece of equipment in the shack. Of course you need software too. I currently use LOGic IV for Windows. This software does an outstanding job. It keeps track of all the standard awards (WAS, DXCC, etc.) some unique ones and you can even tag some QSOs for creation of your own award. No, this isn't an advertisement for the software, just a comment from a very satisified user. If you have any specific questions about this software, I would be glad to attempt to answer them. Just drop me a line through Email. Technical support is good too by telephone or here on the Internet.
I use CT by K1EA for contest logging. I need to upgrade as I am currently using Version 7 and it's up to 9 I think. I just haven't needed anything more than what Version 7 has. LOGic IV even has screens for contest logging but they aren't near as good as CT.

Ok, you can peep into my shack...
Here's an updated picture of my shack without me!
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