Please visit the "Windows for Remy" website.
Links to WWII and aviation sites
- The Mighty 8th and the rest of the US Air Force
The United States Air Force Home Page
A Brief History of The United States Air Force
USAAF WWII Combat Chronology
The Mighty Eighth Air Force Heritage Museum
The Eighth Air Force Home Page (from Barksdale AFB)
The Eighth Air Force Museum (A photo tour of Barksdale AFB's aircraft display)
The USAAF Second Air Division Association Home Page
40th Combat Bomb Wing, First Air Division
34th Bomb Group Home Page
96th Bomb Group Home Page
97th Bomb Group History
379th Bomb Group
381st Bomb Group Memorial
A B-24 from Wendling (392nd Bomb Group)
398th Bomb Group Memorial Association
447th Bomb Group homepage
Missing planes of the 452nd Bomb Group
Missing Planes Web Conferencing System
Where Vets and students of WWII, 8AF and 452nd BG can correspond.
453rd Bomb Group
457th Bomb Group
The Carpetbaggers (801st/492nd BG)
History of the 352nd Fighter Group
Cees Stijger's B-17 Page Dedicated to a downed 482nd BG B-17
The Combat Diary of S/Sgt. Donald Maule, a 44th Bomb Group gunner
Victor Darilek's Log Book, a 389th Bomb Group gunner
The war memoir of Gordon Weir, 493rd BG Navigator
The Writing 69th (Story of the journalists who covered the 8th)
450th Bomb Group Home Page (15th Air Force)
484th Bomb Group Home Page (15th Air Force)
319th Bomb Group (12th/15th/7th Air Force B-26 Group)
The Saga of Sunshine (15th Air Force B-24)
341st Bombardment Group Home Page (10th/14th Air Force B-25 Squadron)
B-26 Bomb Groups
The Wisconsin Chapter, 8th Air Force Historical Society
The Aircraft
Bob's B-17 Page (Definitive)
The Internet B-24 Veteran's Group
B-17 Combat Crewmen & Wingmen
B-24 Best Web
Wild Bill's P-38 page
Effect of the P-51 Mustang on the air war over Europe (A research paper)
Luc's Photo Hanger (More WWII Nose Art)
The Opposition
Luftwaffe Resource Page
12 O'clock High
A tribute to Gen. Adolf Galland
Sturmvogel - European Axis and Neutral Countries
German Jets in WWII
Messerschmitt Me-262
Messerschmitt Bf-109
Oral History Pages
Air Force Memoires - Preserving the Stories of Those Who Flew
The Institute on World War II and the Human Experience, Florida State University
New Brunswick History Department, Rutgers University
US Naval Institute Oral History
Some Very Good WWII Links
WWII U.S. Veteran's Website
WWII plus 55 Years, a day by day history of WWII
Zeno's WWII Aviation links A very good page
The Battle of Britain
RAF Bomber Command
Skylighters: The 225th AAA Searchlight Battalion
The US Navy in the Pacific, 1941-1945
Grolier's WWII Commemoration
Propaganda Leaflets of WWII
WWII Propaganda Posters
Aviation Enthusiast Corner
WWII Aviation Archive
World War II Time Line
WWII Round Table
Aviation Museums and General Aviation Links
The US Air Force Museum
The Confederate Air Force
National Air and Space Museum
The Yankee Air Force
Canadian Warplane Heritage
Classic Warbirds of the U.K.
National Warplane Museum
Museum of Flying
Castle Air Museum
The Imperial War Museum
The Fighter Collection
Spitfire and Hurricane Museum
Aviation Archeological Investigation and Research
USAF Enlisted Heritage Hall
Arjen's Aviation Links This is a huge resource for links
Commercial Sites
[Webmaster's note: I do not, in any way, shape or form, endorse any of the commercial links on this page. They have been included as a service to my visitors who may be looking to purchase WWII/aviation related items.]
Tebidine Publishing, home of Donald's Story, a 4th Fighter Group pilot remembered.
Air Corps A-2 jackets
WAE History, Military History and Aviation on CD-ROM
Medals of America
BattleZone Ltd. Military Patches
Stellar Images Stained Glass Studios
Scramble Productions East Anglia Aviation History and Art
B-17 Art
[Brief History]
[Combat Missions]
[B-24 "Liberator"]
[B-17 "Flying Fortress"]
[Aircraft Markings]
[Group Patch]
[Map of Station 137]
[Theater Maps]
[Navigator's Diary]
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