
My taste in books is quite vast, well as long as its Science Fiction. Oh all
right I cannot tell a lie, I do like Fiction as well, and the odd technical manual.
While I don't think I have read any book that I have disliked, I must confess to
being a complete and utter Anne MacCaffrey fan, and have a large collection.
Unfortunately I have a few gaps, mainly her older books that are not in print
anymore, and I have never found any of them in a second hand shop, I suppose
I had better keep on looking.
Any other Anne MacCaffrey nuts can check out new books, and other related
chat on the following news group.
Anyone wanting to suggest some other books, I am always open to offers.

List of Anne MacCaffrey books I know of :-
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern
Nerilka's Story & The Coelura
The White Dragon
The Renegades of Pern
All the Weyrs of Pern
The Dolphins of Pern
To Ride Pegasus
Get off the Unicorn
Pegasus in Flight
Decision at Doona
Crisis on Doona
Treaty Planet
The Ship Who Sang
The Ship Who Won
The City Who Fought
The Ship Who Searched
Powers That Be
Power Lines
Dinosaur Planet
Survivors (Dinosaur Planet II)
The Planet Pirates - Volume 1 - Sassinak
The Planet Pirates - Volume 2 - The Death Of Sleep
The Planet Pirates - Volume 3 - Generation Warriors
The Crystal Singer
Crystal Line
The Rowan
Damia's Children
Lyon's Pride
The Lady
Alchemy & Academe
The Coelura

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E-Mail: chris@ruatha.demon.co.uk
This page was last updated on: 12 May 1996 16:53:54