Pictures of Me Growing Up

I was always a chunky kid growing up. I'm sure you can imagine the torture people put me through, so I won't get into it. Finally, I accept my body for how it is. If I were more secure at a younger age, I might not have put myself through the "dieting to Fit IN" stage. I mean, what is that anyway? Losing weight to make someone else happy? That's crazy. All that ever made me was UN-happy, aggrivated, and hungry! And that was not fair to me.
Have you ever heard of a song called "Garden Party"? Jellogrrl, from the Dimensions' BBW Site, told me that Ricky Nelson sings it. There is a wonderful line in that song. Whenever I feel down I just listen to it: "Well, it's alright now...I've learned my lesson well. (say you) Can't Please Everyone, so you Got to Please Yourself!" I do as I please these days. So now, as a kick, I want to share with you some pictures of me growing up (and out!)
Just click on the thumbnail pic to get the full sized one...

Me at 3 months
Me at 1 year, 9 months
Me fishing, 4-5 years old
A chunka-chunka burnin' love, around 8-9 years old
Eigth grade graduation, 1983, 14 years old
Freshman year high school, 14 years old
Junior year, 16 years old
Senior Prom, 17 years old (I literally 'starved' myself to fit into this dress - sz 11/12)
Graduation Picture, 1987 (One is my Mom, 1964. Scary resemblence, huh?)
Goofy Glamour Shots, 1998. My friend, Joy, talked me into them...

What really gets me is people thought I was too fat then!

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