She's creepy and she's kooky, mysterious and spooky. She's altogether ooky...She's Anne Rice!

One of the authors I read is Anne Rice. The Vampire Chronicles are some of her best works, in my opinion. I went to a book signing once, when 'Memnoch the Devil' came out. My best friend, Joy, and I waited in a tremendous line to have our books signed. There was a sort of commotion, as some 'weirdo' came down the escalator (it was a BIG bookstore). This person was wearing a wedding gown, veil and all. Well, you guessed it, that weirdo was Anne Rice. She loves to make an entrance! Anyway, we were only allowed to have two books signed. One HAD to be 'Memnoch.' I chose 'The Tale Of The Body Thief' as the other. Hey, who knows...they may be worth something one day. When I'm DEAD. I'll never sell them...

That was my brief brush with fame! Now, back to my Main Page!
Anne's picture and the artwork on the sides of my page are fron her book 'Pandora.'

'Vampira, Diva of the Dark Side' courtesy of Design Toscano

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