Check out Bill's trip to France! Lots of pics and a story our friend wrote for the Destin Log.
Garrett's Skyhole: A Marine's Diary of Guadalcanal A great site centered around a US Marine's smuggled WWII diary of his experiences in Guadalcanal.

The Forum and Foibles of Nan Nan's site features EVERYTHING you need to put together a killer web site AND lots of excellent southern recipes...amongst other things. The Jokester! ...a big, funny, joke site.
CARMA Carma Productions Very talented people in all their endeavors: computer software and hardware, music, art and a bunch of other stuff !
Thyme in the Kitchen With Doug Chef Doug cooks some great food on PBS. The Hubbas and friends produced the show's music.
Chad's World Our good friend over in Baton Rouge, La. 
Clara S. Towle's Watercolors Some beautiful paintings.
Allen & Cindy's Tropical Paradise Some local natives with a great site about our area and and life here.
Ruby's Roadhouse A four-star honky-tonk in Mandeville, La. One of our favorite places to play.
Seville Quarter A big complex of clubs in olde downtown Pensacola. We play in Lillie Marlene's, one of the 7(?) clubs there occasionally...good place.
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Formerly Lousiana's Leroux,   platinum selling band and old friends of  ours.  Good site put together by their drummer Boo Poirciao.  It's a beautiful thing.
Lynne Campbell An acclaimed guitarist from New Zealand, this woman rocks with the best of them.

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