Have you
ever been in the shower and couldn't remember whether you have shampooed
your hair?
Have you
ever tried to stick gum under a table only to get it stuck to your fingers
and then on your clothes?
Have you
ever gotten lost in a walk in closet?
Have you
ever gotten candy hung in the candy machine and then get your arm stuck
trying to get it out?
You act
like you know the words to Louie Louie when you sing along with it at parties
You wondered
how that guy name Staff could teach so many classes in college?
You got
drunk and pee'd off a balcony at a party onto an off duty policeman ...(oh
like I'm the only one thats ever done that)
I could go on but I'm
betting you are already putting down your cheetos bag and reaching for
the mouse. Wait! This is life-altering stuff you are reading.
Don't worry if you answered
yes to any of these. Life is not hopeless.....yet. For a real self analysis,
I recommend "A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole. Guaranteed
required reading by some of the more "hip cats" around the net.
This page was featured in The Mining Companies "Worst of the Web"
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will receive this pages very own coveted MOBLOS Award!
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Add to my list of lifetime stupidity achievement
awards! or send me e-mail convincing me you are brilliant! Riley-Mon
By now you are thinking
one of two things... A. this guy is right, I am killing myself right after
the big Dr.Who convention tomorrow or
B. this guy is speaking
from experience here, maybe I should
find out more about him
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a moment to visit these pages I've been working on. Oh don't act like you
have important stuff to do
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