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This page is dedicated to the people who find
humor in the everyday struggles of life

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Lets face it, how many of us get up in the morning, look in the mirror and say "You are the coolest person I know"?

If you said yes to that question, put down the twinkie, turn off the Star Trek marathon you are watching on TV and spend a few moments reflecting about yourself....but wait.. let me help you out...HELLO...McFLY!!!!!!...You are sitting in front of a computer! The world is right outside your door and you are looking at!

Ok, so maybe you spend all your time at and thats part of the no date since high school thing thats been bothering you lately but we'll come back to that later. (Actually we won't, but I wanted to give you false hope that you'd actually know how to meet someone that doesn't snort when they laugh)

I think you know where I am going with this, and now that we have established that you are not the hip cat you thought you were, lets look at some of the daily challenges we all face.

To establish if you are living a lifetime of stupidity, ask yourself these questions..If you answer yes to any of these...Welcome to the club!

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