Credits and Copyrights
Credits, Copyrights and GratitudeCredits:This page is created solely for the purpose of giving credit where credit is due. The following people have not only created or supplied graphics or music, but have supplied a source of strength, character and charm to the South. I thank each and every one of the ladies and gentlemen responsible. I hope that we have given credit for all of the Graphics & music throughout the pages of Southern Country. If you find anything that we have left off or not credited, please notify: Jack B. Harris and I will correct the problem immediately
GraphicsThe Colour Guard:Flag on Link form of Links page. Dixieland Ring Graphics - Made by my son Jody, web designer for Burbank Creations. Dixieland Ring "Charter Member" graphic - made by Kathie Fraser - Poetry and Music of the War Between The States Angela "Angel" of "The Magnolias" made for the Dixieland Ring, the two different styles of the waving battleflags with "Dixieland Ring" below it, and the flashing "geocities" logo at the bottom of all Dixieland Ring Pages. New from Angela is: Dixieland Ring Graphics page. This is indeed an honor for The Dixieland Ring. We are proud to announce Angela "Angel" as the Dixieland Ring Graphics, editor and manager. All of the images in this site are Angela's creations. Rural Citizen Book Store:Crossed flags - not used yet except as my desktop background. The Confederate NetworkRebel Waving flag on home page. DixieNetBar bronze and silver with gold stars on Issues page.
Dixieland Charter Member logo courtesy of Civil War Poetry and Music Home Page.All images and text are copyrighted and may not be used without permission of the owner.Reb-Bar Used on most of my pages and the Waving Battle Flag on the Dixieland Ring . Brian Crider HomepageThe Moving Mail icon on all of my pages. MusicThe Colour GuardBonnie Blue Flag. midi on music page. Brian Crider HomepageDixie Fanfare, Dixie With Love, Georgia Bulldogs Fighting Song, Florida Gators Fighting
Song (all Real Audio) - Music Page |
God Save the South - Visit our members - Join the Southern Circuit - Dixieland Ring - Heartbeat of the Southland Browse the South through the Dixieland Ring . .
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