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The Bonnet Up Club was formed in the summer of 1998 after Brendon Delgiudice (our club founder) was asked if he would help out with the Thamesmead Adventure run by the Metropolitan Police.
After a successful couple of nights taking kids round the old Thamesmead Off Road course we decided that we should start as a club.
We have been back since and help out with the 1999 Thames adventure as well, and are waiting to see if we get the call for 2000!
Over the past year we have kept as a small group of Off Roader's, but at our last meeting we decided to hit the red button and let the World know about us.
As a club we have many different types of vehicles from Series, Range Rover to 101 and even a Suzuki.
We pride ourselves on being a friendly family club, and new members are warmly welcomed.
4x4 Bonnet Up Club can be contacted on: 0208 265 3094. The club meets on the first Tuesday in every month, at the 'We Anchor in Hope' - Public House, Shooters Hill, London, SE18 and has a full Off Road and social Calander. The club also has an E-mail address and website that can be found on