We train at the Moolanda Village Shops,2/127 Moolanda Blvd, Kingsley.

Training times are: Kids (over 4) Mon & Wed 4 - 4.45pm Beginners Tue & Thurs 6 - 7pm Advanced Mon & Wed 7.30 - 9pm Open class Sun 11am - 1pm.

The class format begins with a warm-up, stretch and then pattern work that relates to the upcoming lesson. The second half of the class usually consists of a combination of technical work, syllabus techniques, bag work conditioning, katas and sparring. Many lessons also include the psychological theory of the martial arts and its application in different situations. This is one of the main distinguishing features of Kenpo from the other styles as a "thinking person’s" art. Saturday training is an informal class (no uniform required), in which students can work on areas of their own that need attention.

Although people get involved in the martial arts for many different reasons, it is important to acknowledge the wide reaching benefits of such a pursuit. The common factors that motivate a person to join are usually a desire to learn self defence and to gain better health and fitness through exercise. However, as these elements become realised the benefits from learning Kenpo extend far beyond reaching a more confident level of self-defence and maintenance of fitness. Our training encourages a logical and analytical train of thought, self discipline, situational awareness and loyalty to a club.

Above all, Kenpo Karate, like other creative outlets such as painting, writing and sculpting, is an Art.

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All pages designed and constructed by Liam Delaney (c) 1998.
Article written by Slade Norris
For further information or further corrspondance with Sam Purcell please e-mail me NOW!.