1. Competitors must be financial with the Australian Underwater Federation and the Club and covered by payment of the relevant Sporting Injuries Insurance premium.
2. All fish must be speared by the competitor during the competition period and be free of any line, net, trap or other restriction.
3. The competitor must be immersed in the water when spearing the fish.
4. All fish must be a minimum of 500 gms and of edible variety with the exception of those species which have higher designated minimum weights or designated minimum lengths.
5. The competitor may seek assistance in removing his catch from the water provided the person assisting does not enter the water.
6. Power boats and other motorized water transport must leave from the competition venue unless otherwise stated.
7. Competitors without motorized water transport may use unrestricted road transport unless otherwise stated.
8. The use of self contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) shall not be permitted and any boat carrying such apparatus during a competition shall be disqualified.
9. All fish shall be taken in accordance with the Fisheries laws of the region in which they are speared.
10. All craft capable of supporting a competitor free of the water must fly the Flag A "Diver Below" signal being a blue and white burgee measuring 75 cm by 50 cm
11. The use of poisons, drugs, electricity and explosives to assist in the capture of fish is strictly forbidden.
12. Competitors must tow a personal float with a positive buoyancy of not less than 2 Kg and prominently coloured yellow, orange or red. Such a float should clearly display Flag A measuring 30 Cm by 20 Cm a minimum height of 25 Cm above the surface of the water.
13. A properly sheathed knife must be worn.
14. Weight belts must have an approved quick-release which can be operated with a single handed movement.
15. Snorkels must be attached to the strap of the mask and the mouthpiece glued or otherwise fastened into positioned
16. Neoprene suits or an approved safety jacket or pack must be worn or carried.
17. All spearheads must be covered at all times when not in use.
18. Competitors must pay a prescribed competition entry fee unless the competition is abandoned.
19. Competitors will be allowed to send fish to the weigh-in under special circumstances and have the actual points credited.
20. Competitors must sign-off in person with the Sports Secretary within one hour of the conclusion of the competition. Competitors' fish must be in the weigh-in area no later than the prescribed competition finishing time.
21. Competitors must have their equipment comply with the safety regulations and be available for inspection by the Club Captain prior to the commencement of the competition.
22. Twelve Club competitions shall be held annually and will be divided into four quarterly competitions. Quarterly competitions will be decided in the order in which they are contested.
23. Trophies will be allotted for the most meritorious fish in each competition, to the handicap winner of each quarterly competition in A, B, C and D grades and to the overall winner of each competition.
24. Competition points will be awarded on the following basis:
Sign-on each competition 5 points
First each competition 15 points
Second each competition 10 points
Third on each competition 6 points
Fourth on each competition 3 points
Fifth on each competition 1 point
Sign off on each competition 10 points
25. All Club competitions shall commence at a predetermined time and shall be a minimum of four (4) hours duration unless the venue is altered for any reason. The competition shall then commence at the discretion of Directors in attendance.
26. Prior to the commencement of any competition there must be majority agreement of the participants that the prevailing conditions at that time are safe.
27. Should any intending competitor feel that conditions are not safe in respect to his/her participation then he/she should decline to compete.
28. Should conditions deteriorate in the course of a competition then the competitor should assess his/her personal safety and abandon the competition if he/she has any concerns and report back to the sign on venue.
29. Competitions canceled or deferred may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Directors.
30. Any
competitor acting in an unsportsmanlike manner during the course of the
competition may at the discretion of the Directors be fined or disqualified.
31. The Pat Helsham Memorial Trophy is for the greatest aggregate of points scored in 7, ten (10) of twelve (12) Club competitions held.
The Kevin Blair Memorial Trophy is for the greatest annual aggregate points scored by a Junior in Club competition.
The "Johnnie Davies Memorial Trophy" is for the second greatest annual aggregate of points scored by a Junior in ten (10) of twelve (12) club competitions held.
The Trevor Davies Memorial Trophy is for the largest fish speared in Club competition.
The Ken Hiscox Memorial Trophy is for the greatest aggregate weight of three species taken in Club competition.
The Russell Smith Memorial Trophy is for the highest score of the aggregate of ten (10) different species taken in Club competition.
The Graham Twigger Memorial Trophy is for the most improved Junior during the year.
The Val Richards Memorial Shield is for the highest aggregate of points scored during Club competition while fishing off the rocks,
The John Burgoyne Memorial Trophy is for the greatest variety of species taken in all Club competitions.
The Bruce Walker Memorial Trophy is for the greatest variety of species taken in all Club competitions by a Junior while spearfishing off the rocks.
The Russell Smith Memorial Trophy is for the largest fish speared in Club competition by a Junior.
A Handicap system shall be contested in each club competition.
Handicaps shall be determined from the competitors average percentage of
the top score over a minimum of three (3) club competitions.
(b) To
determine each handicap winner a competitors handicap is multiplied by
the top score of the day and the competitors actual score added.
With top score of the day being 850 points:
A with a handicap of 30% scores - 420 points.
= 0.30 x 850 = 255 + 420 = 675 points
B with a handicap of 65% scores - 380 points.
= 0.65 x 850 = 552 + 380 = 932 points.
Competitor B has now exceeded the top score of the day by
82 points
which represents 9.64% of the top score, His/Her handicap is reduced accordingly
to the nearest full percentage point and becomes 55%.
Protests may be lodged within seven days with the Sports Secretary in writing
together with a protest fee of $5.00, such fee to be refundable if the
Directors consider the protest to be sufficiently justified
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