Welcome to the Baja Checkpoint Visitor's Center, if you are interested in joining Baja or would like some information about the Baja neighborhood,
then you are in the right place!
If you enjoy 4x4's in anyway, then Baja is the right neighborhood for you! Baja is a smaller neighborhood at Geocities which is a neighborhood for those people who are adventurous travelers who know no boundaries.
If you this fits you, or even comes close to fitting you, then Baja is the neighborhood for you! To join Baja, please Click Here! |
Here you can find some helpful information, quick links and just about anything else you wanted to know about Baja in GeoCities. We thought if
we put together a list of links to the most common places that are visited, it me help you get around. So feel free to browse through them, because they
can help you out, new and old homesteaders alike. The GeoCities Resource Guide is a centralized location of the most common places, resources, and features that GeoCities has to offer. |
In the GeoCities Members Help Guide, you can find solutions to some of the most common problems new
Homesteaders suffer. You can post your question in the Help Forum, ask an Official Helper in the Help Chat,
or even find out how to put a counter on your page. Find the latest information about GeoCities on the Systems Announcement Page. Here you can find out when they are going to update their servers with new technology to help serve our
growing community, or find out what new services and neighborhoods are being developed. A must for any Homesteader. So, you are looking around GeoCities, and can't decide if
you want a FREE homepage? Well, visit the GeoCities Members Information Page. Now, if you
really want your FREE homepage, then visit the GeoCities Neighborhood Directory to find a place to move into, or, if you want to join our growing community here in the Baja, find a vacant lot, using the Baja Vacancy Locator, to be on your way to a new home, here in the Outback. |
Now, if you have your home already, or just "moved in", then why not find out how you can promote your page Also you can visit the Baja Chat and Forums from the main Baja Page to tell fellow members of your new home. Better yet, why do all of your promoting alone?? Let the GeoRewards Program help you along in making your page, one of the best in GeoCities. Another great way to get yourself known,
is to participate in the Community Leader program. Community Leaders, like those who developed this page, are home steaders like yourself who are recognized by GeoCities and other Community Leaders as
outstanding members of the society, and who are willing to help out the growing community. Check back for more to come!
Please visit our WebRing information page, Our Contest information page and our Best of Baja Awards page. |
Please contact our Webmaster with questions or comments. © Copyright 1999 Baja Checkpoint. All rights reserved. |