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DKHodz's Games Page

Hi and welcome to DKHodz's Games Page. From here, you can navigate to various pages of interest on other websites. To return to a page on my site, you can use the sidebar to jump back to any of my pages. These links deal with games that I highly recommended at the time they were popular.

Age of Empires (AoE)
Rise of Rome Expansion (for AoE)
Age of Empires Heaven (a great resource)
Age of Kings (AoK)
Age of Conquerors expansion (for AoK)
Age of Kings Heaven (another great resource)

Here is the list of games that have affected my college grades in the past:
  • Lemmings (Fall 1994) - PC
  • SimCity 2000 (Spring 1995) - PC
  • Barney Blaster (Summer 1995, Fall 1995, Spring 1996) - Macintosh
  • Out of This World (Fall 1995) - SNES
  • Super Mariokart (Fall 1996) - SNES
  • Mariokart 64 (Fall 1996, Spring 1997) - N64
  • Baseball Stars (Spring 1998) - NES emulator on PC
  • Jedi Knight/Mysteries of the Sith (Fall 1998) - PC

I must warn you: they are all highly addictive. I recently graduated from Purdue, so I am able to play all I want to after work now! As long as my wife doesn't mind.

Perhaps I should update this page.  I have an XBox, Nintendo 64, and two PC's now.  My gaming mostly consists of Halo (XBox online via XBConnect) and other XBox games.  Some of my titles include:

  • Halo
  • Amped
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Fuzion Frenzy
  • Splinter Cell
  • NFL Fever 2003
  • Triple Play Baseball
  • Jet Set Radio Future
  • Sega GT 2002
  • Simpsons Road Rage

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