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Location and driving directions button

Photo of front of building34 South B Street, San Mateo, CA 94401. Situated in the center of the block between 1st and Baldwin. Conveniently located walking distance from many of San Mateo's finest restaurants and shops. Be sure to stop in for an after-dinner drink or a nightcap.

From Caltrain:

If you use public transportation, O'Neill's is just across B Street from the San Mateo Caltrain station. When you exit the platform, walk westward. If you depart a north-bound train, you will need to take the stairs crossing under the tracks to reach B Street. Once you reach B Street, you should be at an intersection with Baldwin. O'Neill's is just across B Street and to your left.

From San Francisco/Airport:

  1. Take Hwy. 101 South toward San Jose.
  2. Exit 3rd Avenue (West). Approx 5-10 min south of airport.
  3. On 3rd, continue across railroad tracks to B Street.
  4. Right turn onto B Street.
  5. O'Neill's will be 2 blocks ahead on the left between 1st and Baldwin streets.

From San Jose:

  1. Take Hwy. 101 North toward San Francisco.
  2. Exit 3rd Avenue (West). Approx 1.5 miles north of Hwy. 92.
  3. Follow exit ramp clockwise, over, and across Hwy 101.
  4. On 3rd, continue across railroad tracks to B Street.
  5. Right turn onto B Street.
  6. O'Neill's will be 2 blocks ahead on the left between 1st and Baldwin streets.

Please drink and drive responsibly.

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