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What! I am WILD and CRAZY on offroad Bikes!!!


Welcome to My Cyber Motocross Scene!

This is me in my brand new Fox outfit getting ready to have my first Heat. I was excited and can't wait to tear up the track on my Red Rocket (Honda CR250). I was in deep concentration and thinking about the tactics. What about the Ladies, Huh! :)

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Motocross Number 1 The Gear

This is my brand new MX gear. Man I was feeling real Cool with this Fox gear but knew its gonna get real dirty pretty soon. It was pretty cold in the early morning and couldn't wait to roar around the track.



Training Session

Me cleaning my Mean Machine after a days training in preperation for the following weekends big race. I enjoy cleaning my bike and allways strip the bike later to check if all is OK. It feels good to be at the start with a clean bike. I try to keep the bike clean after each heat and to make sure nothings amiss.

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Motocross 3 The Real Cyber Dude!

Me with my Fox racing shirt. I enjoy wearing motocross clothing when not racing. I am not much of a fashion guy but love bright colored clothing. It gets you noticed and allways attracts the attention of others.



Whoooaaah where ya going Cyber Dude?

Off to the next heat. I've being thinking nothing but Ride, Ride and Ride. I am so addictted to bikes that if I had the energy and time, I'd ride nonstop. I eat, sleep and drink bikes and love to go wild on bikes. Any ladies out there who love bikes? Email me and lets get to know each other :)

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Motocross 5 Whats this cool dude doing?

I dunno but sure's hell I'm off to the local track for some whacky rides. So Fox it to me baby :)


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