2000-01 SEASON
1/11/00 - Ian's Scatter
Lindholme Motor Sports Club
Lindholme provided the first scatter of the year. I navved for Adrian in his Escort, while 2 more Salford Crews and four from Nottingham also turned up. It started OK, but at one of the more diffuicult clues, we found our torches were not bright enough to read the text on a satellite dish! To top it off, Adrian had hit a drain as we pulled up, and gained a puncture, so we had to set off and find a place well lit enough to change the tyre. It probably wasted us about half an hour, so once changed we continued to look for clues, but we didn't hold much hope for the final result. In the end we came joint 7th overall, 3rd Student crew and (joint) top Salford crew.
Official Results (University entries only)
1 Notts Ollie Fairclough + David Dargue 80
5 Notts Chris Steele + Dan Hickling 55
7 Salf Adrian Abbott + Andrew Marchant 33
7 Salf D Wilson + W Scholes 33
9 Notts Pete Agnew + Gareth Lewis 25
10 Salf J Moreton + V Valiabh 17
11 Notts James N + Eoin N -6
29/11/00 - [Another Lindholme] Scatter
Lindholme Motor Sports Club
The second scatter this year was again provided by Lindholme. Again I navved for Adrian, and this time I got myself a decent torch! It wasn't absolutely necessary however, as all the clues were easy to see and accurately referenced. Well, all but one, that none of us could find, even though we had looked at the exact place where it was supposed to be - there were no Z's on that bus shelter I tell you! We felt the event went well, and in the end we finished somewhere in the middle of the entry field.
Official Results (University entries only)
...will be posted here once I get them...!
8/4/01 - Run What Ya Brung Santa Pod
Salford University Motor Club (unnofficial event)
Well, everybody was invited anyway. Myself and Andy Simpson from my course at Salford plus a few workmates turned up to this bit of fun at Santa Pod. There was lots of interesting machinery around, including about the FTO club, a few proper funny car drag racers, and loads of the Max Power crew. Fastest run we saw was a bike that did the quarter in 7.6 seconds, 169mph. My runs were a little more modest, my best being 21.499 seconds, 60.27mph. It was a lot of fun for little cost, click here for the full report and pictures!
Very little has happened so far this year - mainly because the recce for the freshers scatter coincided directly with Septembers petrol crisis, so it didn't happen... Then in the new year, the Foot and Mouth crisis hit, and all events were cancelled. At least the social side of the club has kept going...
Counter added 17/12/00
Official Northern Universities Motor Club (NUMC) site.

Northern Universities Motor Club - old site run by the guys from Nottingham - last updated in October 1999.

Nick's Mini page

Max Power

Fast Car

High Speed Italian Rust featuring how to destroy a Talbot, Fiat Uno Worship
and one for Lee, the Ford Orion Hatred Page.

Fiat Uno Homepage

Cann Durrant - Uno tweakers
Nissa Sunny/Pulsar GTi-R - I want one!

GTiR owners club

Caleb's GTiR page
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