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It is very frustrating as a web page author to take the time to link to someone else's site and have that site disappear in a couple of months. There is also nothing more frustrating than clicking on a link in someone's page and having your browser just hang there for 2 minutes looking for that site, only to get the dreaded "piss off you can't go here" message. Therefore the idea of The LinksLS Web Ring.   

The reason for the LinksLS Web Ring?     
Prestige? Honor? Glory? Well... probably not. But what you will have is a links page on your home page that lets your visitor's go to sites that they know are quality LinksLS home pages that actually do exist at this very moment.   


To join:  

The first requirement of course is that you must have a LinksLS related Home Page.   

Your home page does not have to be the greatest LinksLS site on the planet. Some of us just don't have the skills and the knowledge to put out a superb home page. However your site must be active and updated frequently. It also must have it's own content and not just links to other LS sites. 

We also except LinksLS Team Home Pages. If your LS Team has a web site Join Today!  

No sites either containing or linking to pornographic material are accepted. Sites with obscenity in their title or throughout their site will not be accepted.   

The manager reserves the right to reject or expel a site from the ring at any time and for any reason.   

Once you become a member: 

The only thing you must do after becoming a member is to display the LinksLS Web Ring Logo on your front page with a link to Web Ring Home Page Members Link Page. That's it!! The logo has been created so that it should look good on any background and comes in two different sizes.  

  To become a member of the LinksLS Web Ring e-mail your request here: LinksLS Web Ring