Europeean Literature Circle
Our first creation is called "The Magic Pencil". Every night, at 12 o'clock GMT, a magic pencil starts on-line from Greenwich and stops somewhere in a town in Europe, west, east, north or south. This magic pencil is going to 'write', in each of these stops, a (fairy) tale. We invite you to take part in our Creation Contest (literature, painting, music, etc.) Euro-Asia Publishing House will edit the best works in a book, at the end of the contest, twice a year. The winner will gain a week free trip in Romania.

  We also have a story from Eugen Vlad Parau
Read it here
  And a story from Stoie Sinziana-Maria
Also in graphical format.
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After the opening ceremony from 9 May 2000, we have received a book from Benito Melchionna: "Ambiente & Mercato - un futuro sostenibile". You can read a short presentation in italian here

Your story could appear here as well. Let us know it, sending your message to this address:

Aeronautics Literature Music Science Wanderer Magazine

[Romanian Version]
Articles :
[European Citizenship]
[Civilization of love]
[Civilisation del amor]
The European Literature Circle was founded by the Euro-Asia Promotion and Cultural Foundation and the Brasov Branch of the National Foundation Henry Coanda for gifted young people.