Escape From NY
Escape From LA
The Thing
The Matrix
From Dusk Til Dawn
Han Solo
The 6th senseSECTION 2
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6

Han Solo Gestures
Han Solo, I'm captain of the millenium Falcon.
You've never heard of the millenium Falcon, it's
the ship that made the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
Right here Jabba...I've been waiting for ya..
Look Jabba next time you wanna talk to me come
see me yourself don't send one of these twerps.
Well why don't you use your divine infleunce and
get us out of this..(
It's against my programming to impersonate a
Why you stuck up...Half witted...scruffy looking
nerf herder..
who's scruffy lookin?..(
Wookie laugh) Laugh it up Fuzzball
Han) Well I'm glad your here to tell us these
Luke)She's rich.(Han) Rich?(Luke)Rich
powerfull if you were to rescue her the reward would be.
Luke)Well more welth than you can
imagine.(Han)I can imagine quite a bit.(luke)You'll get it.
More coming soon...Looking for a specific line from this movie? Request
it here I own all these movies and can do sound
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