Group Play

General Rules

  • Group Play is open to all full golf privilege members.
  • No guests may play before noon on weekends or holidays.
  • Members are expected to abide by the rules of said group.
  • All groups should have a maximum number of foursomes.
  • When the starter/ ranger is on duty, please cooperate with him.
  • Please be very conscious of slow play. Our goal is 3 hours and 50 minutes to play.
  • In group play, 3 and 4 man teams, the rules of four-ball stroke play will apply.

Tass Group: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.

To play the member must call the pro shop at 746-0476 the day before between 3:00 and 6:00 PM. The first tee time is at 6:18 AM*. Group players are required to be in the locker room no later than 6:00AM. Teams will be drawn at 6:05. Format of play is two-ball using 85% handicap.

Sherman Group: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.

To enter, call the clubhouse at 746-2342 the mourning of play starting at 7:00 AM. Tee-times are 8:33 on Saturday and Sunday. Players are expected to be present20 minutes prior to the first tee-time. Equal teams are arranged by ability. Format is 2 best balls, gross and birds.

E.D.O. Group: Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.

Starting at 9:36 AM on Saturday and 9:45 AM* on Sunday. To play call the clubhouse at 746-2342 the mourning of play starting at 7:00 AM. the format is two ball nassau using 85% handicap. Teams are blind draw, plus individual quota.

* Saturday and Sunday times before May 15th and after September 19th will be 45 minutes later.

In Addition To Weekend Group Play There Are The Following Weekday Groups.

Wobblers: Mondays at 9:00 AM
To play, call the clubhouse at 746-2342 at 7:30 AM.

3DO Pro-Am: Wednesday and Friday mornings at 9:00 AM
To play, call the clubhouse at 746-2342 starting at 7:30 AM

Noon Group: This is held every weekday except Wednesday and Holidays.
To play, call the Pro Shop at 746-0476 prior to 11:30 AM. The format is two best balls gross.

Siever Group: Wednesday
To play, call the Pro Shop at 746-7456 prior to 11:30 AM. The format is two best balls gross.

Ladies Group Play

Saturday: Tee-off at 10:57, immediately following Men's EDO or Sherman Group.
To play, call the clubhouse at 746-2342 after 9:30 AM. Must arrive 20 minutes prior to tee time.

Sunday: Tee-off at 11:15, immediately following the Men's EDO or Sherman Group.
To play, call the clubhouse at 746-2342 after 9:30 AM. Must arrive 20 minutes prior to tee time.

Thursday: Twilight League meets in Ladies locker room at 5:00 PM.