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There's no escape
From death's embrace,
though you lead it on
a merry chase.

The dogs of death
enjoy the chase.
Just see tha smile
on each hounds face.

The chase can't last;
tha dogs must feed.
It will come to pass
with terrifying speed.

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Sup? Thanx for chillin' in my **Rapper's Delight**. This page was created on March 15, 1998. It has all of da stuff ya'll be lookin' for bout rap & hip-hop. I be new to tha web page creatin' scene, so if ya'll gotz any tips or comments please e-mail them to me. Much Thanx goes to P®öPHë©¥ G®aFiX 4 da sweet pix for **Rapper's Delight**. Give Him His Props By peepin' His Page, P®öPHë©¥ W@®ëZ (Still Under Construction). Latah, Dawgz.

Westside Theme Song

If ya'll want to be peeped when I update my page, Type Yo E-Mail Address In Dis Box

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||Tupac|| ||Biggie|| ||Linx|| ||Midiz|| ||Hook Me Up|| ||Videoz|| ||Real Audio A-M||

||Real Audio N-Z|| ||Other Rappers|| ||Awardz||

Slushdawg Productions, Made & Maintained by Slushdawg.
P.O. Box 2369, Shaolin, NY 48150 1998 Slushdawg Productions.
Warning: Unauthorized reproduction of this web page is prohibited by Da Slushdawg and violator is subjected to a life sentence in tha DawgPound.
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