Mystical Music Therapy

Makhdoom Bokhari the Torch Bearer:

Makhdoom Bokhari is the torch bearer of this particular Mystical Music Therapy. Although born in a feudal family he has confined himself for humanity. He is known as the genius for Dhamaal and has cured millions of patients suffering from critical diseases.

According to Makhdoom Bokhari the majority of people have to have a relief from diseases and need to get away from expensive treatments. Medicines are not the ultimate remedy, peace and concentration of mind are. Listening to mystical music with utmost concentration is the key to the remedy.

How to develop concentration?

The person seeking help through Dhamaal should sit comfortably and in a very relaxed manner with eyes closed. It is to be imagined that the person is in front of the almighty God, His presence should be felt and conversation with Him established with the heart. When deep involvement takes place then surprisingly the moment comes when time and space theory takes a practical shape and it surely affects the mind, soul and the body. Auto-suggestion are to be avoided and mind must be free from negative desires.


"Have faith in God and do  what he has blessed you with. Body commit crimes and sins that disturb a person mentally and physically. It is not that the body fails but the soul becomes restless and it brings negative radiation on the body which helps develop diseases. By applying the method of concentration the spirit is connected to the Ultimate Power which determines harmony between the body and the spirit, thus the physical torture is vanished and the body is cured in a very miraculous manner" so says the great torch bearer.

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