A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

Dr Kujtan's Medical Matters

Dr. Peter W. Kujtan is a family practitioner at the Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. He holds a Ph.D. in Medical Science, sits on the Medical Appeals Committee, is a Provincial Coroner, a Member of the Board of Directors at the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, and a spokesperson for the Canadian Cancer Society. Previously, he sat on the Halton Peel District Health Council, and was Chairman for Docs On Ice in 2001.

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Publish Date 2004 ARCHIVE OF ARTICLES:
Medicine Matters Blogs, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 Articles
Dec. 26, 2004 Is There a Santa Claus?
Dec. 18, 2004 Does Eating Too Much Sugar Cause Diabetes?
Dec. 11, 2004 What Disease Kills Over a Million People Every Year? (Malaria)
Dec. 4, 2004 Why Do I Feel So Hot When I Have a Cold?
Nov. 27, 2004 Why Is My Wife So Cold, Doc?
Nov. 20, 2004 Why Does Everyone Want Me to See My Family Doctor?
Nov. 13, 2004 What Is a Concussion?
Nov. 6, 2004 Are There Any Benefits to Drinking Coffee?
Oct. 30, 2004 What Is Laryngotracheobronchitis? (Croup)
Oct. 23, 2004 Shoot, Snort, Swallow or Run (Flu Shot) -
Original title: Could You Send My Flu-Shot to Some Needy American?
Oct. 16, 2004 Colon Cancer
Oct. 9, 2004 Should I Stop Taking Vioxx?
Oct. 2, 2004 How Do I Know If We Need Counseling?
Sept. 25, 2004 How Effective Is DNA Analysis?
Sept. 18, 2004 How Do I Convert My Cholesterol Values into American?
Sept. 11, 2004 Why Is It So Difficult to Lose Those 10 Pounds?
Sept. 4, 2004 Ukraine
Aug. 21, 2004 How Do Mushrooms Cause Injury?
Aug. 7, 2004 What Is the Best Source of Drinking Water While Traveling?
July 31, 2004 How Does Acute Coronary Syndrome Differ from Angina?
July 24, 2004 How Can I Help My Family Doctor Burn Out Quicker?
July 17, 2004 How Is Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosed?
July 3, 2004 Latex Allergy
June 26, 2004 What Is Melasma?
May 29, 2004 What Is Economy Class Syndrome? (Blood Clots)
May 22, 2004 Why Not Ease the Doctor Shortage with Foreign Graduates?
May 15, 2004 What Is a Family Health Group (FHG)?
May 8, 2004 Do You Have Any Diet Suggestions?
Apr. 24, 2004 What Does Glycemic Index Refer To?
Apr. 10, 2004 What Is Fifth Disease?
Apr. 3, 2004 Why Put Tubes in Children's Ears?
Mar. 27, 2004 How Painful is the Bone Densitometry or Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Test?
Mar. 20, 2004 I'm Hitting the Road, Give Me the Works, Doc! (Immunization for Travellers)
Mar. 13, 2004 Where Have All the Doctors Gone?
Feb. 28, 2004 How Much Cholesterol Is in That Egg?
Feb. 21, 2004 Do I Have to Stay on Blood Pressure Medicine Forever?
Feb. 14, 2004 Can Aspirin Help If My Mother Died of a Stroke at Age 63?
Feb. 7, 2004 What Is "White Coat Syndrome"? (Hypertension or High Blood Pressure)
Jan. 31, 2004 What Causes Anemia?
Jan. 24, 2004 Can Duct Tape Be Used to Treat Warts?
Jan. 17, 2004 What Exactly Is Meant by Two-Tiered Medicine?
Jan. 10, 2004 Top 10 Junk Foods to Avoid
Jan. 3, 2004 Holiday Spirit - Christmas Spirit
Please note: Dr. Kujtan's articles and related links are provided here as information only.
They are not a substitute for medical care provided by your own physician.
Articles are edited where needed, and related resources added where appropriate for research purposes.

Home     Medicine Matters Blogs, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003