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Besmellah Errahman Errahiem
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh

Brothers and Sisters,
You are to feel proud of what you all have done:
http://members.aol.com/suralikeit/   REMOVED
http://members.tripod.com/~question24   REMOVED
http://members.tripod.com/~ScottJoseph/Index.html  APOLOGY

http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7143/    STILL ACTIVE

They Make Another Trick

"" The Owner of the new site say's ""

He  set up the UK mirror for the "SuraLikeIt" web site that was kicked off AOL because of protests from a very small number of Islamic activists. The new URL is:   http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/suralikeit

But WE are not a small number of Muslim ...

So Please Do The Following

1- email the Abuse Team at UUNET and tell  them that you think it would be   necesary  to close it because  This site Insult our The email address is:
Mail abuse-response@uk.uu.net

The Site contains and on purpose material that is so hurting for every Muslim in the world (not less than one billion of humans all over the world, including the States). This site introduces some fake verses  of the Holy Quran, which contain very rude words against Islam, The Prophet, and all what Muslims believe in. As a Muslim, I think if this site continued to appear on your server, you will be contributing in the same aggressive action. I will forward this message to the press and ask every Muslim to BOYCOTT Your Company  if this site continues to exist. Please remember that this problem existed with another two big companies, AOL and Tripod, and they preferred the muslims side

2) If you use a PIPEX dial account, email them and say that you would consider n
moving elsewhere if they keep  this site.

3-Copy the contents of this email to as many people as possible.
Post it on the newsgroups, etc.

4-  If you have good contacts with journalists in major papers or magazines,
please urge them to cover the story.


Please let's do this together. If you are a member of the media,
please urge your readers to do something.
Well, so far it is the most effective way,
it worked with AOL andTripod.
Please let's know of any thing new.

Thank you all

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